
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 17:43:31
梦游天姥吟留别与李贺的梦天比较,分析两诗在主题和意境上的差异? 引用红楼梦里的诗句或李贺的来运用到作文很喜欢他们的诗,很想用到议论文中,用到每个分论点的开头或结尾 初三英语25/3You will not be late by holding a door open for a stranger to pass,___hurt to tell someone that you appreciate a kindness they have shown you.A so will it B nor it will C nor will it 句型转换1.Tom spent five yuan on the pen.(改为同意句)Tom ______five yuan______ the pen.根据汉语提示完成下列句子.2.他们到绿园区了.They ______ ______ ______Green Land.3.昨天我弟弟呆在家里而没去看电影.My brot 判断题 A+6可以写作成6A .( ) 一、根据所给汉语或首字母提示,完成下列句子1,We should have p____ of sleep every night.2,Don't b____ me.I'm listening to English tapes.3,The books are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room without p____.4,It's impolite to I look backat what became a friendship of sharing stories from the heart. God knows what I mean is from the bottom of my heart. So your heart is, 数列{an}的前n项和Sn=n^2+6n+2(n∈N*),则该数列的通项an=?我想问一下,难道不是用Sn-S(n-1)来做的吗?为啥算出来不对呢? His words left me ______ what he was driving at.为什么wondering?表伴随?什么成分? 请问what he left me was nothing but a few old books 怎么翻译 请问"sisters by chance,friend by choice."的意思? 李贺《马》译文 李贺 ((马))的译文大漠沙如雪,燕山月似钩.何当金洛脑,快走踏清秋, 谁知道李贺《马》的译文?少来分析,就要翻译~我不是说不要分析吗?翻译啊 place作空间讲时是可数还是不可数?如,place(s)in my bedroom But we can become friends这句话是什么意思 李贺的诗全集 说苑.卷十二.反质 全文翻译 秦穆公闲,问由于曰.. 核舟记翻译,重点词句注音 谁知道魔方第二层和第三层怎么拼? I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg.不懂 I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg.这句话是什么意思 求young and beautiful 链接 Being not helped by anybody,he is not likely to succeed.请问怎样改正这句话?是不是:Having not been helped by anybody,he is not likely to succeed. 把下面的字按音序重新排列 役 篮 旬 吭 噩 豹 搀 咆 熬 按音序重新排列下列生字旬 熬 蒜 醋 饺 翡 拌 榛 栗 麦 逛 In a highly competitive world,an [7] businessman is not likely to succeed.(imagine) he is most likely feeling relaxed. Originally,take a step back is happiness是什么意思