
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:17:58
however,none of these have done much more than scrape the exterior of this gigantic operation. This club c() of more than 2000members. leave sb equipped with- - It is dangerous swimming in the sea in stormy weather.be dangerous 后面不是应该接to do 这里dangerous后面为什么不用to do,而用doing 形式 He is swimming in the sea.对 in the sea 提问 约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是.John has a lot of family rules.______ _____ Peter. He is swimming in the sea.对 in the seHe is swimming in the sea.对 in the sea.提问. 真德有queen marry这条项链存在吗?如果有`请告诉我它德故事`谢勒` Here is part of his talk.为什么这里的part前面不加a?part不是可数名词么? 求英语解释part of it is just being able to say you were here makes you one of the cool kidspart of it is just being able to say you were here makes you one of the cool kids ,even if you did't go to one panel .这里的you were here 怎么个用 "有一个角对应相等的两个等腰三角形相似”.是否正确? 下列命题正确的个数为 ①所有的等腰三角形都相似; ②有一对锐角相等的两个直角三角形相似; ③四个角下列命题正确的个数为①所有的等腰三角形都相似;②有一对锐角相等的两个直角 英语老歌green field的歌词和MP3歌词还记得有一句once there were valley where river used to run He was( )late ( )school,( ) he ? 他过去很少迟到,不是吗 ? 把句子补充完整. 他有时候上学迟到 he ( )( )to school late英语问题 不要再上学迟到了 翻译 Don't be late for school_____ _____. 分别指出下列命名的条件和结论,并判断命题的真假,如果是假命题,举出一个反例 接4.那么这条直线也和分别指出下列命名的条件和结论,并判断命题的真假,如果是假命题,举出一个反例接4.那 已右图阴影部分面积是2O平方厘米,空白部分的面积是多少 your eyes are already wit hout my figure 是什莫意思 At noon we all _s____around on the green grass. 遍地长满绿草:Green grass grow all around.是否能这样翻译? 腰长都是2厘米,有一个角是80度的两个等腰三角形是不是相似三角形 将两块完全相同的等腰三角形摆放成如图所示的样子 图中有多少相似三角形 那位高人帮忙翻译下英语句子,谢谢了! eeENJOY上个句子翻译的不太好,是make measures figure out他们用...那位高人帮忙翻译下英语句子,谢谢了!eeENJOY上个句子翻译的不太好,是make measuresfigure out他们 英语翻译believe in yourself!Have faith in your abilities!Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers,you cannot be successful or happy.Every difficulty,every failure,every heartache carries it the seed of an equal or greater ben Look!There is a new cap中文是什么 There is的中文是什么?谁能There is的中文翻译出来我就给谁积分10 she`s fat中文是什么? She is a b____ fat she is kind for fat 翻译 Swimming in the river is dangerous 主语是Swimming吗 We think _ most dangerous your swimming in the river alone.四个应该选哪一个?A.SO B.veryC.it D.this并且说出原因