
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:08:06
Most young people find _____ exciting to watch a football match.A it B this C that D one 古代的重量单位和现在的如何换算. The girls_____________(watch)a football match next Sunday. 市场上人们所说的一钱,等于多少克!金重量金子一钱等于多少克? “把一个棱长6分米的正方体钢坯,锻造成一个底面是正方形,边长3分米的正方体钢条,这个钢条多少分米?”急! you have a football match 介词class1garde7,谢谢 明天早上考试 match(比赛)用什么介词 填介词:There is a football match_______Classs One and Class Two. 用介词填空 jim kept [ ]thinking about the football match in the afternoom 填进适当的介词 my son could play the piano_____age 7 It is time _____the football matchI have beef_____lunchtime____the first month of the year 亚洲的地中海气候主要分布在黎巴嫩,土耳其,以色列等地.既然以色列是地中海气候,为什么那么缺水? 以色列气候类型 为什么以色列属于地中海气候还缺水? 以色列的气候.去以色列的费用是多少.一年中什么时间去好.那边的人文环境如何? 改错:We are going to have an football match. We are going to have a football match in the s----?3Q填入一个以s开头的单词.是句子通顺,注意s是小写的 are football,they,match,going,have,to,a(?)连词成句如题、求求高手帮忙/* 连词成句1.am taller much you than i 2.going a match have we to are football3.better you soon feel will 4.in for few a bed stay days 5.taller he me is than much 6.they room what doing in are the no thay are going to have a football match的提问急啊 1,328,020,000这个数字怎么读 为什么数字要以三位为一段,如:200,000,000?英文中有THOUSAND MILLION BILLION等但是是先有这种分法 还是先有这种叫法呢 在数字1-1,000中,如果每猜一次,都告诉你是‘高了’、还是‘低了’.要猜中一个数字,至少要猜多少次? match的中文 小型螺旋榨油机的出油率是多少?想买一台小型螺旋榨油机,用地产黄豆榨油,不知出油率是多少? 螺旋榨油机榨黄豆压油需要粉碎吗 把一个棱长6分米的正方体钢坯,锻造成横截面边长是3厘米的正方形的长方体钢条,这条钢条有多长?用方程解 15.00元,读作几元? 105000元读作什么 800,000元这读语文怎么读 200.06元读作多少元 甲乙两人用同样的速度,同时开始读数,甲从110开始,向前每隔2读一个数(即他110,112,114...)而B从953开始,向后每隔5读一个数(即读953,948,943...),则他们同时说出的两个最接近的数之差为多少 Match the words inBos 1 with the words inBox 2to make phrases.1 buying calling drinking driving eating enjoying going gaving leaving lying saying shopping taking talking waiting for watching writing.2 a ballet a bus/train acoffee adrink in a pub a ho