
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:44:35
计算(x+2y-3z)^2+(x-2y+3z)(x+2y-3z) How did you go to Hainan on you holiday?A.I am fine in Hainan.B.I walk to Hainan.C.I went to Haian by plane. 计算:(x+2y^2-3z^3)(-x-2y^2-3z^3)=? 0-?-2-?-4-5-6-?-8-9-10 1.求阴影部分面积(单位:厘米) 2.正方形面积是7平方厘米,求阴影部分的面积.(单位:厘米) went to (summer camp) during my holiday(对括号部分提问) ( )did you ( ) during your holiday? I went to summer camp during my holiday一般疑问句 否定句 i went to summer camp during my holiday 对summer camp提问 i didn,t have any money for a taxi 改为同义句 (x-2y+3z)的平方-(x+2y-3z)的平方 1.59+5.48÷0.2 16.85÷0.5-16.92 (14.8-9.6)÷0.26 0.063÷(14.5-5.5) (11.7+9.9)÷0.9 5.1÷(1.76.12÷0.15÷4 6.3÷21 帮忙回答!有悬赏!是5.1×(1.7×6) 复变函数计算积分∮1/(z^4+1)dz,其中,C为x^2+y^2=2x 复变函数计算积分∮1/(z-i/2)*(z+1)dz,其中c为|z|=2不用柯西积分公式 求复变函数积分 ∮dz/(z-1)^n z=r (r1) 一个正方体的体积为10立方厘米,求表面积(结果保留4位有效数字) 对划线部分提问 1.I went to Harbin on my holiday.(Harbin) 2.I learned English last Sunday.(learned English) 3.We went to Harbin because my grandpa was ill.(because my grandpa was ill) 4.Tom runs fuster than Amy.(Tom) 5.I did my homework yeste 对划线部分提问(会几道答几道) 1.I went to Harbin on my holiday.(Harbin) 2.I learned English last Sunday.(learned English) 3.We went to Harbin because my grandpa was ill.(because my grandpa was ill) 4.Tom runs fuster than Amy.(Tom) 5 He went to Canada on his holiday.(对“Canada”提问) I went to Sanya with my friend during my holiday. to Sanya 划线(对划线部分提问) 设X0是f(x)=(e^x-e^-x)/2的最小值,则曲线在点(X0,f(X0))处的切线方程为f(x)=(e^x-e^-x)/2的导函数是f’(x)=(e^x-e^(-x))/2中间是减号 同学 已知直线L的斜率为1,L截⊙C:x^2+y^2-2x+4y-4=0得到弦AB,以AB为直径的圆经过原点,求直线L的方程.有助于回答者给出准确的答案 ∮(sinz)^2012/z^2012(z-1)dz,|z|=2正向 复变函数求积分∮_(|z|=2)▒e^(1/z^2 )dz 这句哪里错了,Where did you went on your holiday? 无意识与潜意识的区别百度百科里的解释我都看过了,所以烦劳不用再复制过来 单项选择1.I WENT on MY HOLIDAY A SKING B.SKIING C.SKIEDWE WENT TO BEIJING JAN.1 ST A.IN B.ON C.ATTHERE IS AFOOTBALL MATCH CLASS ONE AND CLASS TWOA.BETWEEN B.AT C.IN急,马上要要要 意识、下意识、潜意识得区别与概念?加上:前意识 went you holiday on by your airplane 连词成句 如何区分非意识、前意识、无意识和潜意识? ____did you go on your holiday?I went by plane.内个 肿么写.>﹏ 无意识,潜意识,下意识----怎么区分?都指什么呢? be ask low you play hurt high minute careful teacher practice importantThe senior high school entrance exam is less than two months away.Students are woiking hard,but too much stress might not be good.How can we make good use of the remaining(剩余 Yesterday was my stepmother’s birthday.I haven’t been home for a long time,so I wanted to stop by the house to 36 her on this special day.I have been 37 on a low income so I was afraid that I couldn’t afford the long 38 .Gas is so expensive now