
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:46:36
二战时期德国为什么反对犹太人? In a group, talking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier.求翻译 i took my bag ----a.tohome b,home c,for home d at home 我要和你分手英文怎么说 She took the bag to the shopkeeper,____(say),"My little……大神教我此空怎么填 犹太人为什么会被驱逐出境?遭受亡国之痛 为什么孙武叔会认为子贡比孔子贤请谈谈你对孙武叔这种说法的认识 为什么历史上很多国家都驱逐犹太人呢? 希特勒是不是犹太人如果是为啥他又反犹太人,卓别林是不是犹太人为什么有人说希特勒有犹太人血统 She__the lamp with the__match,and then took the lamp to the library.A.lightened...lightedB.lighted...litC.lit...lightedD.lit...lit选哪个?为什么?类似light的单词有些什么区别? 孔子有后人吗? 孔子有多少后人?千古圣人孔子到底有多少子孙后代!有做这方便的朋友吗~ 结合材料二,运用政党的有关知识说明如何推进文化产业的发展 如何推动我国文化产业的发展 运用唯物遍证法的有关知识说明如何推动安徽省文化产业的发展 Be hurt of heart can also love who Love is not only made for lovers,it's also for friends who love each other better than lovers.准确含义? My son is very musical;and he always teaches______to sing a song填him还是himself he always describes himself as very poor.他总是把自己说的很穷.其中as是什么词性?又作什么成分?其中as是什么词性?又作什么成分?谓语是always describes吗? He is very shy and he is always afraid to speak in p______ 英语翻译Honey.Promise me,you will accompany me to keep going,because we are so in love He is a very p______ singer.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词 Coco Lee is a very p___ pop singerCoco Lee is a very p___ pop singer. he is a pop_________.a.music b.singer che is a pop_________.a.music b.singer c.singing people d.music singing He is a good singer but not very p____ He is a very famous singer a very famous singer 是不是名词性短语吖 名词性短语是不是只要找到名词中心词就可以了 其他的什么形容词 副词都不要管吖 struct student **p = &student; 这句话怎么解释?为什么是两个**为什么这样操作呢? struct student **p = &studentt; 这句话怎么解释?为什么是两个**不好意思,多写了一个t,student是一个结构体,不明白为什么指针能指向一个结构体?结构体还没有实例化,那儿来的地址?struct student **p = &st void new(struct student stu[N]) 这个怎么解释呢主要是后面这个不懂gets(numstr);stu[i].num=atof(numstr)char numstr[81];这个numstr是什么意思.还有就是后面的atof(numstr).有人说参数,错了请问错在那里谢谢! void printf (struct student *head)的意思 各个单词在剧中代表的类型意思 three years has passed before we knew it know为什么用过去时这句话的翻译是:不知不觉过了3年 struct student **p = &studentt; 这句话怎么解释?为什...