
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:10:32
函数求导 要详解 第四第五题.关于第五题怎么延伸比如双曲线椭圆. 已知空间向量AB=(2,0,2),AC=(3,1,3)则AB ,BC夹角的正切值 已知x是第三象限角,且tanx=a,则sinx的值是( ) 美国洛杉矶什么时候发生地震 已知点a(-2,4),b(m,4),若向量ba与向量i=(1,0)的夹角的余弦值为-2倍根号5/5,则m等于多少? 甲乙两人以各自不变的速度同时从A地出发到B地,当甲行全程的百分之40时,乙行5分之48千米,当甲到达B地时乙距B地还差5分之1的路程,求AB两地的距离? cos(派/4+x)=1/3 sin2x= 数学sin2x=2/3.cos^2(x-派/4)=打错了。是求cos^2(x+派/4)=多少 Not very special这句英文是什么意思? Not very special It is the 计算函数f(z)=(z-sinz)/z^6在极点处的留数 形位公差有哪几种?分别有哪些关系? at the very heart 是什么意思 It's a very special ladybug是什么意思 如图,在四面体ABCD中,BC=AC,AD=BD,E是AB的中点设G为△ADC的重心,F是线段AE上一点,且AF=2FE,求证FG∥平面CDE已证出AB⊥平面CDE 如图,在四面体ABCD中,P,Q分别是棱BC与CD上的点,且BP=2PC,CQ=2QD.R为棱AD的中点,则点A,B到平面PQR的距离 1芙蓉楼送辛渐 2送元二使安西 3赠汪伦 4黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 5赋得古原草送别 6晓出净慈寺送林子方整首诗(诗名,作者,年代,正文) the parrot is singing very l__. 句型转换几题如下:1.Amanda did quiet well in preparing for weddings.(保持句意基本不变)Amanda was ______ ______ ______ for weddings.2.It is raining heavily. However, we have to go out.(合并成一句)We have to go out ______ 句型转换几题Let s have a picnic tomorrow ___ ____ having a picnic tomorrowAnn spraks most slowly in our group Ann speaks more slowly than ___ __ ___ ___ students in our group Michael eats twice more than his sister Michael Eats twice ______ ___ 二元一次方程的一道应用题, 句型转换有几题在下面1.What is wrong with your sister?(改为同义句)2.She has a sore throat?(改为同义句)3.There is a lot of milk in the bottle.(改为同义句)4.Jim surfs the Internet tuice a week.(就划线句提问 余弦值-2分之1的角度.除了120,还有没有余弦值是 2分之1的角度 余弦值为0.611对应的角度是多少? 余弦值是0.464对应的角度是多少有点急哈谢谢还有怎么算了呢,公式是什么 如图,O是△ABC内一点,AO=BO=CO,∠1=∠2,求证:AB=AC 已知:如图,点O在△ABC内部,连AO,BO,CO,点A'B'C'分别在AO,BO,CO上,且AB平行A’B’,BC平行B’C’.得△OAC△O’A’C’,若将这题图中的点O移到△ABC外,如图,其他条件不变,题中结论还成立吗?(1)在右图 几道转换句型的题目1.The prisoner drove the car as quickly as he could and thought he was a free man again.Thinking _______________________________________.2.The old man came home and carried a newspaper under his arm.________________________ 1.He regretted very much wasting so much time suffering the Internet just for fun.____ ____ ____ wasting so much time suffering the Internet just for fun.2.听到这激动人心的消息,我们禁不住欢呼.We ____ ____ ____ at the ____ news.3.你 几道句型转换的题目I got up half an hour ago(改为同义句)I__ __ up for hail an hourThe young man often wears his best cloths for the party.(改为同义句)The young man often __ __ for the party.It was windy(划线) yesterday.(划线 Sos!