
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:36:14
on the plane还是in the plane he will going to play basketball after class when Tom will go to London my mother washes on Saturdays哪个错了 Tom,go to _____ when we will go for an outingA.find B.find out C.look for D.see Do you have anything to say for yourself?yes,there is one point_____we must insist on.Awhy BwhereChowD/ 选哪个 为什么? Do you want to say anything for yourself?同义句转化Do you have anything____ ____for yourself. when ____he____to london? 1.did,move 2.is moving 3.does,move 4.is,going to move She is airing the room now.He( )it yesterday too.用动词过去式完成句子 the boy was too scared__when he saw the big dog Anot to move B to move C so to move D to be moving 连词成句1.is,to,move,Toronto,Mr Green,going,to,when连词成句is,to,move,Toronto,Mr Green,going,to,whenis,going,Helen,to,next,do,exercise,year,morewill,home,study,on computers,kids,atlive,about,100,old,people,to will,be,yesrs 用一般过去式规则动词和不规则动词填空.She_____(to be )really nice on the farm英文过去式作文要50个单词都是过去式 have you ever said something you didn't want to say还是have you ever said anything you didn't want为什么, Have you ever __ something you didn't want to __?A spoke,tell B said,speak C talked,say D said,say 我也要花体英语. “ on the deviator plane π”怎么翻译? on the plane with you 和 with you on the plane 有什么区别?国外口语应该如何表达这个意思? The firefighters [ ] [not tidy]the room.Please finish[ ] [do] your homework as soon as possible用所给词的适当形式填空 You should do your homewolk as ___ as possible.A.careful B.carefully C.more careful D.more carefully请写出理由~ 单词总忘,该怎么记? 记了单词,为什么一转身就忘了.有什么办法记住了? 英语“到那时为止”by the time 可否译为by that time 英语翻译Chances are that by the time you get off a plane in Hong Kong,you've already spent half of your trip's budget on that flight.好像是讲香港物价高的 请问,朗文《新概念英语2 》 可在哪下载? 谁有朗文新概念英语2的答案啊要朗文的啊,还有几天就开学了啊。最好是60课以后的。 you should do your homework at home 同义句 do your homework at once改为被动语态let the homework be done at once.The homework should/must be done at once.暂时想了以上两个答案,请问哪个更好?如果都不好,请提供个比较合理的答案.请解释一下为什么不能是l 单词总是记混怎么办? 单词老是记混,怎么破?delicated老是跟指示暗示弄混了,求高手支个窍门, by means of有没有设法做某事的意思?我记得有个词跟它很像,也许是记混了! charge price cost 的区别 In this section,you are required to write a passage of no less than 100 words with the topicMy Favorite Book (我最喜欢的一本书) Directions:for this section,you are supposed to translate the following 5 sentences into English.46.他为自己拥有这张著名的CD感到非常自豪.(proud)47.你们能赶得上那趟火车吗?(in time)48.你的健康比任何东西都重要.49.