
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:10:47
Children's ideas about the rainforsts and the implications for course design.这句话怎么翻译? Is there anybody who want to talk with me through MSN in English?I am a student who are learning English now.I want to make fridends as well as improve my English level,no matter who you are,where you are from,if you are faithful and sincere,contact Is There Anybody There 歌词 is anybody there 和is everybody there 有什么区别? eso,ese,esa,在西班牙语中有什么分别 jimmy has just arrived in norway.变成反义疑问句 匿名信事件和看电影事件跟藤野先生有什么关系 You tase me ,you mace me ,mace 的中文解释《摘自美剧,(黑色孤儿第一季 第05集)》 当女朋友对你说Take me to you heart 应该怎么用英语回答. “自叹每有欲往,辄复不遂,然流行坎止,任之而已.鲁直所谓无处不可寄一梦也.”翻译,急. 无法触及的梦用英文怎么说 I have to eat vegetables.(写出同义句) 琥珀的特点 求中级口译教程第5单元(礼仪英译汉)和第6单元(礼仪汉译英)的音频mp3,发至yjzhao1990@163. 琥珀的特点有哪些,要3条,不要太长,也别太短, YOU HAVE NEVER BELONG TO 想知道她在想什么, “负荆请罪”中的“荆”指的是什么? 琥珀的特点有哪些? 北魏孝文帝、唐太宗、唐玄宗、武则天、朱元璋简介各200字 “倡导低碳环保生活 创建绿色和谐校园”有何重大意义? 我想要中级口译的第三版书的相关音频,可以发给我么?谢谢.邮箱:tangjieqiong009@163.com AND THEN THERE WERE NONE怎么样 改为一般疑问句:The last month is December. have been doing have done 的用法和区别 求have been doing的意思和用法如果说我已经在新的公司工作了这句话,是have been working in new company还是have worked in new company already 不要转的,求知解惑, "and then there were none"作者究竟想表达什么?今天刚刚把它看完,但是可能是对背景文化不太了解或是英文水平不足吧,有没有读过英文版的高人给指点一下作者究竟想表达什么意思呢?是否与心理 评价人物 *朱元璋 * 乾隆* 各一百字 100字!简洁明了!不要他们的简介!要评价!例如说说他们的品德缺点优点十万火急! I was on the playground just now?的中文 He was often seen____basketball on the playgroundA play Bis played Cto play Dplaying more likely than less likely to I think you should have a rest for a few nights.翻译a rest for a few nights 要翻译出来 emotion need 与 emotional need 的区别?还有这两类词的区别还是没看出来区别在哪里.能用中文表述下吗?还有 名词+名词 与 形容词+名词的区别吗?