
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:36:42
我们要虚心改进自己的错误. 修改病句 已知函数f(x)=2x-a/2x+1是奇函数(a为常数) 1,求a的值 2,解不等式f(x) 1.某厂家生产的标准型3.6V锂电池上标有“900MA H"字样.(1)这块锂电池充满电之后,有的电能是()(2)如果移动电话在不通话时电路中的电流为7.5毫安,则装配该锂电池的手机充满电后最多能 酸中一定含有金属元素吗?盐中一定含有金属元素吗?已知abc是三角形的三条边,且满足a^3+b^3+c^3=3abc请判断三角形形状并证明 对“北京精神”的发现和感悟 这条裤子.翻译 Jack spent as much time as he__the Chinese language A.Could learning B learnedC could learn D had learned 要写理由 读了《北京春节童谣》我的感受是?日子过的很快,一下子就过去了 关于北京精神的童谣 谁有关于北京精神的童谣? 北京精神童谣 Jack has no time on Sunday.改同义句 Jack has no time on Sunday.=Jack________ ________ on Sunday. jack has no time on Sunday (改为同义句) jack ___ ____ on Sunday. (1/4)改错:1.This kind of paper feel very soft.2.there are lots of h High-level management什么意思啊? output high level voltage是什么意思 High Level Assembly是什么意思 high efficiency we,trees,cities,cool,because,green,they,our,plant,help,make,and造句 a level of analysis作何解释This research will involve the study of budget use by middle and lower management,a level of analysis that has traditionally been under-researched in the budgetary control literature. level of ability可以是什么词的解释?不是,我是问什么英语词的解释,英译英 The level of the sea is rising aroundthe earth because of_____.A pollution B few treesC the greenhouse effect D changes inthe climate 求一篇英语作文,没语法错误就行,100词,能看懂的.如题,再麻烦出两个关于这个作文的问题,自己问自己的那种,如:我的爱好是什么?后天就要在讲台上背,英语的,主题范围不限,自由作文,写老 两个完全相同的物体,都用相同的力提,A直接提起,B利用斜面,均提起相同高度(均不计空气阻力和摩擦力),则他们做功是不是B大?机械效率是不是一样的?且机械效率都是100%? 存在即是有理吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 为什么存在就是有理的呢?拜托了各位 谢谢 level of rounding会计中什么意思?语境 the level of rounding must be disclosed ,and it should not obscure necessary details or make the information less relevent . 存在即有理 这种说法对吗? 学统计中出现了四种测量方式.nominal level of measurement,ordinal level of measurement,interval level of measurement and ratio level of measurement.Hopefully,somebody can give me the whole explainations of them in chinese.really appreciate 英文单词有关有理 观察图中所示的小旗,判断船相对于岸上的楼房的运动状态有哪几种可能?并简单说明.这道题我已经会写了,不过还是谢谢大家