
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:23:39
don't forget to meet at the school gate at ___ ___ ___ ___tomorrow afternoon.别忘了明天下午5:45校门口见 poor little girl对吗?还有为什么 consider doing 而be considered 就变成to do了? 请问be heard to do/do/doing之间的区别以及是否存在be heard do 的说法 —Is your grandpa still with you?—No.He still prefers to live in the small mountain village_—Is your grandpa still with you?—No.He still prefers to live in the small mountain village________all its disadvantages.A.for B.exceptC.with D.to live和still的i一样吗 if we win a lot of money we will trave round the world.这是个过去将来式,为什么不用would 我想开个广告公司 名字叫领域广告设计 但英文名字不知道哪个对请大家了解的给个提示 一个是我外国友人告诉我的 我怕他不理解我开公司的意思一个是我的朋友现在在国外 我也怕有问题 童年 当酒馆女主人和外祖母吵架后,阿廖沙用什么方发报复她?要准的 Our teacher told us a j___(根据字母提示),and we all laughed loudly.裏面填joke对不对?谢谢了!还有这样一题:To see the sun in winter is nice.(改为同义句)____ nice ____ see the sun in winter.这个应该要怎麼填比 launch = send into吗 send sb into a fit什么意思?A Dunkin’ Donuts worker was pistol-whipped by a Florida man after a botched coffee order sent the brute and his wife into a fit inside the store, cops said. 请问send sth into a 急 张梓茜(Xi)这个名字取什么样的英文名比较好听又好记.最好是跟中文发音相同的女生名 求给【旖文】这个名字起一个好听点的英文名,最好跟中文发音像的 松下问童子中的问是什么意思 松下问童子 高考英语单选 有关seldom的反义疑问句的回答—Your uncle seldom smokes,does he?—__________,especially after he was told to have a lung cancer.答案是No,he doesn't为什么不是Yes? My mother and I wanted to see a new play,but we weren't able to get the tickets for___two of us.A.among B.between C.the D.\怎么做?为什么?什么语法?可是答案是C诶! My mother and I wanted to se a new play, but we weren’t be able to get the tickets for _____ two of us为什么two前面用the啊? My parents and I went to the concert,but we weren’t able to get tickets for———— .A.two of us B.the two of us C.three of us D.the three of us为什么选D,解释下其他为何错 It is difficult{ } the spacecraft into space A.send B.sends C.sending D.to send 个出自哪一首诗?昨夜西风凋碧树.独上高楼,望尽天涯路.衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴.众里寻他千百度,嫣然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处. 把下面诗句里的字填进括号里,组成成语.松下问童子,言师采药去.只在此山中,云深不知处.(松)柏长青把下面诗句里的字填进括号里,组成成语.松下问童子,言师采药去.只在此山中,云深不知 反义疑问句的构成及用法 It is thoutful of you to play CDs for us 分析这个句子的成分,以及问一下,这里的is可以换用was么?It is thoutful of you to play CDs for us分析这个句子的成分,以及问一下,这里的is可以换用was么?说明:像"It is impo It's____(think) of Jack to play CDs for us. play his?CDs意思和用法 play the CDs意思是什么! 请问what would you do if you (burned) youself?中的 burned 为什么用过去式?请问what would you do if you (burned) youself?中的 burned 为什么用过去式?是因为 would 还是因为 if 还是因为是 虚拟语气? It’s bad for your health to play the CDs too loud.(同义改写)_______ the CDs too loud ______ bad for your health. If there were a big fire in your building,what would you do(如果你的住房着火了,你会怎么办?)我要英文回答,格式如:1.—————— 2.——————3.——————.以此类推,越多越好!十万火急! "松下问童子,言师采药去"的下一句是什么?