
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:51:51
求助英语口语,well done 的意思是“做得不错”,是否可以说done well,如果可以,两者有什么区别? Well you done done me and you better felt it中试英语中试英语 就是 比如 what are you doing?翻译成中式英语歌词就是 我特啊有杜英 解不等式ax-a>x-1(a>1) 六年级英语上册视频讲作 Although the blue dress fits very well ,I will probably buy the red dress是什么意思, 用频率副词介绍你家人的日常活动 英文写 英语写作常用副词有哪些? 好像学过一篇课文,是和黄山游记有关的.可不可以找到? 用坐标表示轴对称,求大神帮帮我已知A(-1,2)和B(-2,2).试在x轴上确定一点P,使其到A、B的距离和最小,求P点的坐标.过程 .谢谢啦 初中语文文言文虚词汇总 要有例子说明. 文明道德故事(300字) 关于动物的故事(要在300字到500字之间)我现在急需要一个关于动物的故事,当只要在300字到500字就行,(*^__^*)...嘻嘻,先说一声谢谢啦! 急需一篇关于道德的故事,如果是作文也可以(题目就是《做一个有道德的人》),300多字左右任务巨大,所以不知道的就别凑热闹了 文言文的18个虚词? 关于微笑的故事,关于微笑的故事有比较好的吗? 哪里有关于微笑的小故事啊? OK well have u done ur olevels if you would have a thing well done 这句话中的well done是什么成分well 修饰done做定语?done过去分词转形容词?详细点,谢谢 you mean i have done well? 请告诉我他们的音标appearance nature sitting stone table drinking talking children flying everyone having tired seems worried points board wet paint degree freezes 一个关于微笑的儿童故事开头大概是"森林里的小动物正在一起,大象在盖房子" 给我讲一个关于微笑的故事吧 你有关于亲身经历的一件事(关于最美的微笑)吗? 请告诉我这个音标怎么写. 信念的反事例 选择:I want to buy that kind of cloth because I_______the cloth________well.A.have told;washed B.have been told,washes C.have been told;is washed D.had been told;washed 急:选择:He wants to buy that kind of cloth because he___that the cloth__very well.He wants to buy that kind of cloth because he___that the cloth__very well.A.has been told,washes B.had told,washesC.has been told,is washes D.is told,is washed I want to buy that kind of cloth because I __B__ the cloth _____ well.A have told; washes B have bI want to buy that kind of cloth because I __B__ the cloth _____ well.A have told; washes B have been told; washes C was told; washed D have been told; I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth ______ well.  A.have told; washes B.A.have told; washes B.have been told; washes  C.was told; washed D.have been told; is washed 关于x轴对称的点的坐标有什么特征? 轴对称数学题大家都知道2+3=8是一道错误的式子,但小明却能用一种家庭常用生活物品使他成为一道正确的等式,你用所学过的轴对称知识,相出他用什么东西?怎样用呢?OX,OY是两条公路,在两条公 已知点A(a,﹣2)与点B(﹣1,b)关于X轴对称,则a+b=?