
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:24:27
木字旁,右边是危险的危,念什么 木字旁一个冉念什么字 关于英文电影的制作词汇我正在做一个movie的东西.但是最后要介绍电影制作的人.如下:制作:友情客串:拍摄:如果有朋友知道的话.给我说说.因为这是我的project,但是我这些词汇不知道.很 木字旁加一个秋字读什么 一个电影前面片头,要打上 ‘摄影 xxx,编剧 xxx’ 这两个单词用英文怎么说 木字旁加一个会字怎么读? 英语翻译1.presents; 2.production,a production of; 3.a film; 4.director; 5.based on a story by; 6.production manager; 7.music by;8.sound effect;9.sound mixer;10.casting by;11.cast of characters;12set designer;13.property master;14.key grip; 15.dol 摄影这个词语用英文怎么写? This is The language used in this classic is not_______is used today.A.that B.what 请给出理由若原句改成 The language used in this classic is not that used today 可以么 This is a house .I used to live in the house = This is the house where I used to liveI like the house.I used to live in the house=I like the house where I used to live this is the factory.his father used to work this is the city...Ithis is the factory.his father used to workthis is the city...I have been expecting to visitshe is looking for her bike...she lost yesterdaya new school building will be buil .there used 描写人物勤奋苦学的词语 开始 的英文单词怎么写 开始的英文单词,以...的开始的英语 谁有英语宾语从句专项练习题? 英语宾语从句练习题1.He didnot know[ ]he could finish the work on time.2.Tom said [ ] he[ ] in the library that morning.3.He asked me[ ] I had seen the film. 英语宾语从句练习 一改为复合句1which plane should i take to beijing Could you tell me?2what time does the train leave?Can you tell me?3where did you he go went?do you know?4have you received a letter from him yet?please tell me5they will 把事故圆滑是的人喻为————(?) 关于英语宾语从句一题求助-Could you do me a favor?-Sure.Would you please tell me ___ now?A.how can I use the telephoneB.where is the washing roomc.which is the most popular bookd.if is the shop closed为什么C选项中主谓的位置不 把事故圆滑的人喻为( ) 英语习题——改为宾语从句1.My father ill come back in two days.He said ____________________________.2.Does your uncle live in Beijing?He asked me ___________________________.3.Have you finished reading the novel?He asked me _______________ 这句话的惯用语是什么:把事故圆滑的人喻为?把事故圆滑的人喻为? 教育人只有刻苦学习才会有所成就的诗句的诗句 哪个诗句写经过努力取得优秀成绩的我们书上有一道这样的题:经过努力取得优秀成绩时,你会对自己说:“---------------------”(就是让你填一个诗句) 填诗句:当同学取得了好成绩,你可以用_____________来鼓励他继续努力. 加一笔,并组词勿()( )早()( )史()( ) 如何让自己变得能言善辩?我是男孩子,性格较内向,不太善于沟通,家里人经常以我的性格不好来打击我!这让我感到很自卑`所以我想让自己变得外向一些,口才好一些?这样能办到?请朋友们赐教! 如何才能让自己变得能言善辩 变得自信?3Q我从小到大性格就很内向 父母一直希望我能开朗点 我也尝试过改变自己 反而弄巧成拙显得做作 希望大伙帮我出出主意 让我变得能言善辩且自然自 人与自然有怎样的关系 【英文翻译】超简单的英文句子,谢谢青春在于奔跑 表示能言善辩的成语