
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:55:42
多瑙河的发源地是?在哪个国家? 多瑙河发源于( )国南部,向东流入( )海,共流经( ),( ),( ),(多瑙河发源于( )国南部,向东流入( )海,共流经( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( )等九个国家, 谈恋爱时间久了,感情就淡了吗?一年多的感情了,怎么觉得还不如当初.随口的脏话就都不用顾及人的感受了吗? 解释爱情需要多长时间? 写田园风光的作文 英语翻译—我出生与一个农民家庭,所以练就了我吃苦耐劳的精神和坚韧不拔的意志 帮忙用英语翻译一下下面几个品质,"坚韧不拔",“细心”,“积极向上” 多瑙河发源于什么山地 《蓝色的多瑙河》乐曲中“多瑙河”发源于欧洲的哪个国家 draw aline on the map showing the island they are going to visit according to the 是draw a line,不是draw aline please show the map to the guests改为同义句what are you going to do?同义句 It's our choices that make us who we are.意思我知道,谁帮忙分析下这句话,小弟英文很烂.这句话的意思我知道,网上看翻译是:"我们的选择决定了我们会成为怎样的人."It's our choices...:“我们的选择” our hearts are too complicated don.t make it that difficuit.中文意思是什么?如果有人知道的, before seeing the doctor ,you would better ask the nurse to take your t_____ first You'd better ask your mother whether is it cheap enough before you try it on.(改错) 给自己起什么英文名字好,ps:女名,不要太大众化 Bill is the short name for答案是William为什么William的简称是Bill?没有,语法题啊 for short ,short for ,.the name of 的意思We can call him Jack ,for Jack is _____ John . 翻译:the name christmas is short for christ's mass.a mass is a kind of church is a religious is the day we celebrate as the birthday of jesus.there are special christmas services in christian churches all over the worl Ann's grandmother is looking for her glasses e____ now.看来今天你必须呆在家里 ___ ___ ___ you have to stay at home today. grandmother's grandmothers'有什么区别?grandmother is能缩写成grandmother's吗 It only took the addition of The stupid thief only took some of the ____(模型)of the mobile phones from the shop. the figure for the US dipped to only 4%for much of this periodfor much of this period中的for much 什么成分和用法 找规律的:1,1/4,1/9,(),(),1/36.3Q 在一个变化过程中,如果有3个变量,还成不成函数关系?3Q函数的概念只说了两个变量,那如果3个变量还是不是函数? the brain contains over one hundred billion cells-that is a "billion" with a "b". beijin olympic games can make chinese people work hard This is just ten years after it reached five billion这句话怎么翻译? .时间让人遗忘得了吗?.时间让人遗忘得了过去,但是心中莫名的伤感.隐隐觉得特别的难过! 恒流源电路工作原理是什么?一般通过什么方式实现 I want to the park _ yesterday.A.on a bicycle the bicycle a bicycle cicycleThe bicycle _ me 300yuan.A.spent B.took C.left D.cost