
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:57:32
生活产品中哪些产品是板料冲压制成的?举例说明其冲压工序?关键是举例说明冲压工序 一个人站在树上想鱼是什么成语 You can go to the People's Square by it.You can'tYou can go to the People's Square by it.You can't see it on the ground.It is an() My defintion df success意思 几个关于基督教和西方文化的题目单选题 1、马丁-路德不仅是德国宗教改革的精神领袖,他还把《圣经》翻译为:()A.法语\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05B.意大利语\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05C.西班牙 AN EXPERIENCE OF MY SUCCESS作文When did you have the success?How did you succeed in doing that?(Please write in detail) What did you gain from this experience?How did you feel after you succeeded?保持在60字左右 英语翻译这几句马来语.Saya merasa saya sudah cinta kepada kamu,sayan sekali tik bisa karou dari duru sudah kenau kamu,saya pergi tidur ,selamat sore,tidur pun cuka rindu kamu!请详细翻译, 英语翻译Taman Burung KL tetap dikunjungi ramai 求圣洁传说r主题曲 你同意中古时代的欧洲是一个基督教世界吗?试解释你的答案.(要300字) 英语翻译Bru balik dr kursus...skitnye peha ni..kne jungle trecking...kata bukit sket2 je...skali die bg bukit broga tuh...mmg la lps ni xnk join cm nk el je sok...tidak! 英语翻译1.Still at the office..bile nk abis baucer ni..uweekkkk...nk muntah dh tengok...2.knp dlm dunia ni masih ade lg omanusia yg selfish?bile time die susah minta tolong kte,kte cr juga masa nk ble time kte susah nk minta tolong die There is an office in the building.如何改为否定句? 1.There's an art room ,a office and four computer rooms in that building 改错2.Are there some football fields behind the dining hall?3.There's a clean toilet in building A.4.What's your cousin Jack's job?Is he really Chinese teacher?5.Look the tall I waited there for thirty minutes; that seemed as many hours to me. 帮忙分析AS的用法,并翻译,谢谢 I waited there for thirty minutes; that seemed ___ hours to me.a.many many many 选哪个,怎么分析的? 那个东西对人类坏处多余好处,用英语怎么说?that are more harmful than their good for human being?对吗? the internet has become a part初一阅读理解 more specific than that more than 英语比如 the picture conveys more than positive,rather it is intends to ···· 我想表达的意思是 这个图不仅仅表达积极的一面,而且 ···· 这句型对不对?不对怎么改 英语中是不是有MORE就一定要有THAN比如这个句子对吗we can safely draw the conclusion that we surely will benefit from new friends but more from old friends.如果不对,怎么改合适? 关于英语中more than的问题.知道的进!(急)Elephant is more like a stick than a fan.这个句子中,is是系动词,more like a stick than a fan是表语还是比较状语? Learn to love life just because it is ,And each day will be a grand new adventus . Know that each day of your life is a gift.翻译的美一点! 分离动物血清操作应注意什么? 过华清宫写了一件什么事 高中生物分别什么时候用动物血清 写出化学符号中数字3的含义NH3(氨气表示)—————— 莽草酸是我国传统的香料--------八角茴香的重要成写出化学符号中数字3的含义NH3(氨气表示)——————莽草酸是我国传统的香料--- 有没有从八角茴香中提取莽草酸的实验室具体步骤?老师要求自己设计一个提取步骤自己到实验室做,要可行的! 一道高二地理有关产业转移下表是某产业可能建厂的地点与成本分析表.据此回答(1)~(2)题. 向左转|向右转 (1)从经济效益看,该产业最好建在 [ ] A.甲地 B.乙地 C.丙地 D 八角茴香中的莽草酸能使溴水褪色吗 地理 一些服装加工,电子装配等工业由国外转移到我国,主要是受哪个因素影响