
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 10:30:54
急需2篇暑假日记(100字的) 为什么说(a•b)Хc 是数量 拜托能举个例子说明下 缺维A,B,C,D分别会得什么病?举几个例子 No matter The woman boughta blouse last week.When she washed it the colors_______B.lost D.went A.RAN C.FELL have a nice talk with them是什麽意思 I hate all the people close to you这句话对么我讨厌所有接近你的人I hate all the people close to you 要不要加个who啊 请问还能怎么说 一定要用上 cloese to you b和c 互质 能举个具体例子么(数字)如果a能被b整除,同时能被c整除,且b和c互质,则数a能被b*c整除.举个例子,本人理解能力较差 请谅解. 若b|a,c|a,且(b,c)=1,则bc|a,能否帮忙举几个实例帮助理解 如果A和B成反比例,b和c也成反比例,那么s与c成反比例 求助 不要让爱你的人失望 翻译成英文不要让爱你的人失望在线等哈那么多。。。权威点的来个好不? 你想要几个的英语翻译 关于描写茉莉花的片段描写花香和花的形状的 写几个描写茉莉花的成语越多越好 much 和many 到底用什么修饰更好是too many 还是 so many 还是 much many同样是 too much 还是 so much 还是 much more ? could you be more detailed ? Jim how long have you been running this moring ________A Since six o'clock B、Tow hours ago C Tou hours later D For tow kilometmers原因 句子翻译 现在CATTI的证书满三年登记时必须要提供从事翻译行业的职业证明吗?听有的人这么说,但我在CATTI官网的证书登记那没有看到这个规定啊,也打电话问了,工作人员说不清楚有这个规定.由于我是 when you feel tired,you should l_____ down and rest. 英语翻译我刚拿到2010年下半年二笔证书,可本人不在翻译行业,做翻译就是个人爱好以及给自己将来多留一条出路.希望能在翻译方面有不断地提高,也想让自己的翻译证书长期有效.本人是在事 Pleace stop---[have] a rest if you feel tired.用所给词的正确形式填空 i would like to wear that amulet which you like . Where have you ---- ,Mike?I have ---- to the library with my friends.A been;gone Bgone;been C ben; been D gone;gone 英语翻译请问什么叫重新注册呢?还有一个问题是 比如我今年11月通过了笔译3级能否在明年5月同时报考口译3级和笔译2级? 为什么屏幕保护程序设置时出现this screen saver has no options that you can set屏幕保护程序不能设置,在设置时会出现一个显示框“this screen saver has no options that you can set”.这是什么原因啊?最后就是 This screen saver has no options that you can set 怎么翻译? This screen saver has no options that you can set自从有着个提示后 为什么我的电脑设置的开机密码就不起着用了 输入正确的密码也开不了机 必须重装系统 This screen saver has no options that you can set 怎么解决 茉莉花怎么写 many families who don't meet need eligibility have been willing to pay whether they must for a big-name school.中they must for i was doing my homework when a boy rushed into the classroom为什么不用WHILE,而一定要用WHEN (When i was doing my homework in the classroom),they went out to play.就括号部分提问 He is doing his homework in the classroom now.改为一般将来时