
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:20:45
高一学新概念英语2还是3英语成绩差 平时以百分制是六七十分的成绩 .暑假想补英语.不知道是学《新概念英语2》还是《新概念英语3》 .基础不好《3》会跟的上吗? 为什么是how often do you shop 而不是how often do you go shop请说的清楚一点、【how often+do(提示希望能得到一个很正确的答案、 求求各位大虾用How often提问6组句子,要回答, 例子:How often do you shop? I shop once a month.求求各位大虾用How often提问6组句子,要回答,例子:How often do you shop?I shop once a month. 我想要几个外国人的MSN我要找几个外国人的MSN,我怎么找?简单易懂,我很笨.谢谢啊 水滴石穿的含义和比喻义是 谁知道眉目的比喻义. 教师怎样深入的引导学生理解塞翁失马的比喻义 No,they are not 缩写做为答句 这2种 好像都对?No,they're notNo,they aren'tNo,they're not 在初一的课本上出现的 She said,"Do you often come hear to read newspaper?"变间接引语She asked if i often came here to readsaid 一定要变成asked She said,"Do you often come hear to read newspaper?"变间接引语.急,在线等!为什么变成间接引语时是:She asked if i often came here to read newspaper.为什么come here 不变成 go there ? which section of the newspaper do you usually read?why? Why do you often do a_____ school? 现代中国有哪些影响世界的发明创造 改为同义句:Tom is as tall as his brother. 中国文明古代一直领先于世界各国,为什么到近代以后开始落后了? 六、任务型阅读:(五小题,每题2分,共10分)   Do you often go shopping? What do you often buy and六、任务型阅读:(五小题,每题2分,共10分)  Do you often go shopping? What do you often buy and how much money d 造纸发明之前中国以及欧洲各国的书写材料有哪些? ---How often do you go shopping?---______.A Two hours B Once a month C Once D Today 林字繁体怎么写 林的繁体字怎么写 where aie they?they are in the woods.are they catching butterflies?no,they aren't.they are pickingup leaves.哪个是方位介词 .Wonderful,___ they?yes ,they ___ indeed.A aren't ,are 请问怎么翻译 tom is 1.70m tall.i am 1.72m tall改同义句i am [][][]than tom other,the other与others的用法及区别 1.新概念英语第二册有什么作用啊、?2.即将升入高一学新概念英语第二册可以吗?请回答, 高一中等生适合上新概念英语第二册 还是第三册 不要喝酒!英文怎么说 喝的英文 古埃及经历了几个法老 我怎么才能打出繁体字的(凯)字 the little girl spends much money to buy some books这句话哪里错了? The young man had no money to buy his favorite books的同义句快