
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 13:46:24
It's a cat同义句 It's a black cat .改成否定句 That's a dictionary.哪里错了That's a dictionary.(That's)为A部分;(a)为B部分;(dictionary)为C部分 when he writes,he always keep a dictionary---- Aon hands Bby hand Cat handDin hand 仓廪实而知礼节 衣食足而知荣辱这句话的物质和意识关系,要联系经济发展!此题是材料分析题!不是辨析题!请用材料分析题形式答题!不要在搞什么片面的或不正确的这种答案了! 英语翻译Isn't that just how the average man describes a chaste widow's devotion to her husband's memory—as spotless,and passionate too?- p.255When,in the next paragraph,the narrator says “maybe every man has had two such women—at least two 仓廪实而知礼节 衣食足而知荣辱 这句话对于现在还适用吗?当代中国,人们生活逐渐变好.但中国人的劣根性始终存在.社会上不文明的现行比比皆是!有时候我们瞧不起俄罗斯人,但听说在俄罗 几句翻译,大概意思就行just kinda got everything settled down and fi has finnished recording her first song already... how i wish i could let you all listen to it straight away... my first song's written by goro @ zharan so when i sanged it i i think it's time we c other people.我们该分手了,其中"c other"啥意思?最好给个例子~ sometimes go piano 哪个划线部分发音不同(o为划线部分) 英语翻译He never carried a gun or weapon of any kind.Indians accepted him as a friend,and he is reputed to have talked at times to the wild animals that watched him as he worked in his nurseries.Undoubtedly,they sensed his kind and gentle nature. 求英雄人物的故事和珍惜生命的故事,要体会!(要简短些) 爸爸妈妈,我想对你们的开头和结尾,我实在想不出这篇作文的开头和结尾,好的话我再给些悬赏分. 消防员()牺牲自己的生命,()救出被大火围困的群众.(填关联词) 曲阜市在哪个省?大不?建设怎样? 英语的语法问题:After we used it for several days.请问这句话中的for在这里的作用 天天 翻译为daily对吗 She made it her duty to look after all the other people's affairs in that town.中,in that town是修饰人还是事务啊怎么翻译呢?她把照顾这个镇里的所有的人的事务看作她的责任还是她把照顾这个镇里的所有人的 Chian will not allow any other country to interfere in her internal affairs on any account.改成倒装 溜达?什么意思? Parents should not interfere in children’s affairs.yes or not?请说出理由,尽量用英语的 警察在尸体边放的数字什么意思 溜达又上不去了?原域名被盗后 我就用xbtxt登入了,昨天还好好的,今天一上又不行了 If he will come is still a question有一处错误找出并改正急 为什么不是 even a few minutes later? 参加社会实践的好处重要英语 oranges怎么发音发z还是s. 给加点的字注音 guesses的ES在发音是 ED 和es的发音 英语练习!判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同.(相同T,不同F)( )1.jumped walked ( )2.last fast( ) 3.about could ( )4.animal dad( ) 5.week feet ( )6.who what( ) 7.date ago ( )8.excited excuse( )9.speak idea ( )10.those mouth 小学3年级英语练习.谢谢写出划线单词同类词1,there is a ()and two dolls on the desk dolls 是划线的2,the tigers are strong,the dogs are () strong是划线的