
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:44:56
英语翻译翻译:她说我们学英语应该多读多写多练,才能有所提高 带有一对反义词的词语 帮忙翻译一下歌词! If I Were YouI look in the mirror, with you in my armsAnd I see a reflectionOf a smile that says you believe in loveAnd just for a moment, I drifted awayBut I couldn't stay cuzA hint of love, a bit of fearI'm tryin' to sayIf 英国目前的军事力量如何,包括其陆海空军事实力及其国防发展战略 英语翻译一般来说,IF后面要用虚拟语气吗? 18世纪英国的军事力量全方位的,请尽可能详细一点. 1. 19世纪,英国开展“户外运动”的主要原因是为了训练保卫家园的军人. 我的理想是军人(写为什么有这样的理想,) 含一对反义词的词语=急用 含有一对反义词的词语( )争( )斗? We find it very difficult _____ (think)for ourselves.(用所给单词提示填空) He doesn't think it's difficult. I think it's difficult __(be)good at EnglishThe died fish is really ___(salt) for us. (以前的)用英语怎么说? 连词成句some,think,to,English,it,very,difficult,students,learn,well 所以我现在很想她 用英语怎么说? do you think ( )difficult to learn English well( )中填so much so many such much such many?为什么题错了= =是 why do you know( )about the panda? Do you think it is difficult to learn english well why or why not?这个是英语问题,一定要用英语回答啊 she think it difficult to learn 这句话是什么句型?什么结构?能换成she thinks it's difficult to learn 它们什么区别?. 用to ,it,do,think,well,is,anything,I,difficult.造句 It's difficult___(learn)english well,but I think it's___(fun)to read it 什么时候用it什么时候用it is,如I think it difficult to do my homework. she think it difficult to learn 这句话是什么句型? 2010年6月六级通过分数线? 2010年6月英语六级报考资格分数线本人今年英语四级刚好考了425,但据说今年分数线要变,不知能不能过, 2010年6月英语六级分数线还是425吗? 初一英语怎么学呀 .基础一点不好 .那自己制止力差怎么办. 谁帮我翻译下麻吉弟弟“I need you”的英文部分? 一个数,十万位上是最小的奇数,千位上是最小的合数,百位上是最小的质数,个位是最小的既是合数又是奇数,其余数位上的数字是0,这个数写作().请认真回答,我真的需要啊! 求贾斯丁·比伯介绍 30和42的最大公倍数是多少? 42和70的公倍数