
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:59:29
When China got 2008 Olympics,We __ A.are cheer B.cheerd C.were cheering D.was cheering 焊接符号带下虚线是什么意思? 怎样练就英语口语的“语感”? 电脑键盘上的标点符号怎么打出来呀 7758521 7758521,1458957什么意思 7758521是什么意思 7758521是什么 We were watching TV when the telephone rang. 里的We were watching TV when the telephone rang. 里的 when 为什么不可以换成 while ? We ——(watch)TV when the phone rang. 应该怎么填(watched、were watching)为什么,拜托,快一点好么,我们明天就考试了 _______Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang. A.A B.An C.The D./急! The telephone rang.We were watching TV.合并为一句We were watching TV ___ the telephone __. ( )Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang. A.A B.An C...( )Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang. A.A B.An C.The D./ 这是一道中考模拟题,我知道Browns代表的是一个 我要取一个英文名字 希望和中文名字相近中文名叫方一秋 英文名代表坚强 笔记本这个标点符号怎么打?( :) 笔记本上的 号键上的 / 标点符号怎么打出来?也就是/号打不出来? 刚买了笔记本.许多要用的标点符号在键盘上找不到,我要怎么找呢?具体详细一点, 天津市2011-2012初一地理上册期末试卷及答案,谁有? 猜成语 无论经过多少挫折都绝不退缩 ( ) 都是非常空虚不切实际的 ( ) 喜悦、恼怒、悲哀、快乐 ( ) 喜悦,怒恼,悲哀,快乐 我要八个赞什么意思 我要克玩了,8 是啥意思 我要32个赞什么意思 12份之8 ÷8 的意义是什么 标点符号的ascii码范围是多少呀?我说的标点符号不是西文的标点,而是中文的标点.比如说“而不是" when we ______games on the grass,I almost knocked into our Chinese teacher againA.were playing B.play C.are playing Dplayed请问选择哪个,我觉得根据情景应该是当我们正在草坪上玩游戏的时候,我几乎又要撞到语文老师 What should the students do when s teacher or a visitor goes into the room? When the girl ___ a teacher came into the classroomA sangB singsC to singD was singing It was a Monday morning.When a teacher walked into theIt was a Monday morning.When a teacher walked into the __1___,he heard a low voice:"here is the teacher.I am ___2__this boring fellow is going to talk about putting in commas."It was ___3__voice.H 这只可爱的小鸟,它要到另一个世界去歌唱.汤米,我要到另一个世界去歌唱.这两句话的含义是什么?看补充她为什么要这么说呢? 找一个人与人之间互相关心的作文详细一点的 体现人与人之间互相关心作文关于人与人之间互相关心互相帮助