
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:33:39
英语语法改错高手请进I t was a pity that we met with a heavy rain and failed to catch the early train.怎么改?为什么呢?More than one house were damage.这个改错题 were改为was解释不了原因?这个more than one.. 英语语法改错急You have to had a passport to go on a trip abroad.Barry must work overtime a couple of days last week.John should be possible to use this computer.You ought to talking full responsibility for this blunder.I must send this applica 藻类植物没有___,___,___等器官 藻类植物有什么器官 甲乙两地同时从A,B相对开出,两小时后相遇,相遇后继续前行,甲到B时,乙离A,D还有60千米,甲已速度3比2求甲乙两车的速度 甲乙两车同时从AB两地相对开,2小时相遇,后继续前行,甲到B时,乙离A60千米,已知两车速度比3:2求俩车速 器官免疫为什么属于细胞免疫不是要体液免疫使其沉降吗 身体中哪些部分属于免疫器官的? 中枢免疫器官和周围免疫器官的主要区别有哪些? 免疫器官有哪些 乙两人分别从A~B两地同时相向匀速行进,第一次相遇在距A点700米处,然后继续前进,接着前面的“甲到B地,乙到A地后都立即返回,第二次相遇在距B点400米处,求A~B两地间的距离是多少? 甲乙两车分别从ab两地相对开出,第一次相遇后继续前进,分别到达ba两地立即返回,第二次在离a地120千米相遇,已知甲车速度为乙的3/5,求ab两地距离为几千米? 甲乙两车同时从AB相对开出,第一次相遇后继续前进,到BA后立即返回,第二次相遇时离B地的距离是AB全程的20%,甲车共行了360千米,AB两地相距多少千米 藻类植物没有(),(),()的分化. 审查过去,就可以推断将来( )填成语成语的意思是:审查过去,就可以推断将来 问几个英语改错题How often du you ill?OftenLucy was never away to school last termI usually does seven hours of sports every weekThere are a lotof fruit and vegetable in the basket 每句都有错误 谁能帮我解答 什么人什么什么成语 求英语改错题这是我已经改好的句子,大家看看有错没有,That the skirt made by Faci has a slit at the bottom makes it difficult if the customer wants us to change the length of the shirt. 英语语法改错高手进1,I found him saeting at the back of the classroom when I got there.seating 改为seated吗?求解释具体原因2,Losing in the forest ,he had to find his way out first.losing怎么改?为什么/3,She went out of the room 英语语法改错!Today is the first day of the May Day Holiday.We stary at dormitory the whole dayI finally finished the learning of the tenth of the C language tonight.I can have a rest finally.I watch several micro movies.I don't feel sleepy unti 详细哦、若fx(x0,y0)=fy(x0,y0)=0,则函数f(x,y)在点(x0,y0)处()A.连续 B.偏导数存在 C.有极值 d.可微 什么什么人什么的成语 什么什么人什么的成语有哪些 求英语语法改错Along with the rapid economic development,modern material standard of living rise,people of the quality of life,and higher demand for a living environment pursuit of higher level has also become a kind of rationalization,more peo 已知如图所示,四边形ABCD中,AB=CD,M、N、E、F分别是BD、AC、BC、MN的中点,求证:EF垂直于MN 一畏字是由多个望字组成,打一成语 呆字下面木字是鸡组成的木字,打一成语 介绍几首豪放派诗词.本人 很喜欢 岳飞的 满江红 ,还有辛弃疾的诗 很能鼓舞自己 爱国情操,希望能找一些这样的 诗词 丰富自己的知识. 求豪放派诗词“仰天大笑出门去,我辈启是蓬篙人.” 就要这种类型的.另外,最好把岳飞的“满江红”的原文发过来, 豪放派宋词有何特点豪放宋词的形成背景,有何代表人物及其名篇赏析 关于豪放派的宋词 汽车从A点由静止开始沿直线A.CB先做匀加速直线运动,第4秒末通C点时关闭发动机开始做匀减速直线运动,再通过6秒到达B点后停止,已知AB之长为30米,则下列说法正确的是(B.C.D)A. 通过C点时的速度