
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:37:34
Is there anything on the table there's never anything good on anyway there is a good___(film)on. there is no good talking whithout doing anything可以用it is no good talking whithout doing anything么? 形容错一点,就差很多的成语是什么? 形容解决问题的方法非常多的成语 有哪些? 平行四边形的高是点和什么组成的 设A为n阶矩阵,ATA=E,|A| 一般表示转折/递进/因果/并列等逻辑关系的词,属于虚词还是实词如题,比如however because while also这些表是逻辑关系的词,是虚词还是实词? A是n阶矩阵,|A|=-1,ATA=E,则|A+E|=? ATA什么意思啊 "It is said the girl who wear a red T-shirt is our new classmate!"这句话的语法表达等正确吗? 用括号里的词完成句子.1)要是妈妈知道了这套衣服这么贵,____________________用括号里的词完成句子.1)要是妈妈知道了这套衣服这么贵,____________________.(该)2)他身体棒极了,__________,真令人 Tony is one of the tallest students in our class.是什么意思? _____ ______ our new classmate. 解释下列句子中加点的词,衣,顾,去,是,乃 ( )( )our new classmate,May. 填词.Please don't leave the cups there.Put them back on the _ _ _ _ _.提示:_ h _ _ _Do you like to sit at the _ _ _ _ _ of a bus or at the back?Let's get a _ _ _ _ into town.It's expensive but it'll be quick. Intertek翻译成中文是什么意思 Intertek(天祥)怎么样?天津Intertek(天祥)公司,做检测,不知道待遇,发展方向怎么样?有了解的大虾吗?给点意见,谢谢啦 有谁知道“intertek testing services”是什么机构吗? American Testing Authocity 具有下列条件的四边形中,能构成平行四边形的是( )A.一组对边平行,另一组对边相等B.一组对边平行,一组对角相等C.一组对边平行,一组邻角互补D.一组对边相等,一组对角相等 下列条件能做平行四边形的是1、下列条件中,能做出平行四边形的是( )(A)两边分别是4和5,一对角线为10;(B)一边为4,两条对角线分别为2和5;(C)一角为60度,过此角的对角线为3,一边 Heart-broken 是‘心痛’的意思吗 下列哪个能构成平行四边形?A 60cm为一条对角线,20cm,34cm为一组邻边 B 20cm,36cm为对角线,22cm为一条边C 6cm为一条对角线,3cm,10cm为一组邻边D 6cm,10cm为对角线,8cm为一条邻边 LI lei jumped highest of all改成Li Lei___ ___ in the __ jump of all who jumped___of all? If you have got time ,my car wants washing.为什么要用washing,want后面不是应该用不定式吗? I really like you,how to deal?翻译中文 旺仔,华仔用英语怎么说 “即日”是指今天还是明天