
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:44:34
求2006年六月以来历年四级听力MP3 已知函数f(x)=asin(kx+π/3)和φ(x)=btan(kx-π/3),k>0,且a;b是属于R两函数最小正周期之和是3π/2,且f(π/2)=φ(π/2),f(π/4)=-√3φ(π/4)+1,求两函数解析式 已知函数f(x)=asin(ωχ+π/3),g(x)=btan(ωχ-π/3)(ω>0)的最小正周期之和为3π/2,且f(π/2)=g(π/2f(π/4)+√3g(π/4)=1,求f(x)g(x)的解析式求f(x)和g(x)的解析式 1.He is looking for a seat to sit [on].括号里的介词请问为什么不用down?2.“公园的入口”用of 还是to?“楼的入口”呢?3.“他没被请去参加晚会,感觉被冷落了.”He hadn't been asked to the party and was feeling 1.They came to a house,in front of which there is a tall tree.2.I have seen the teacher whom you talked with about your son.3.There are many students in our class,three of whom are foreigners.4.He have flown to many countries three of which are his f ①Hiking is [great fun] and exiting ,but you shouldn't forget safety.这里的[great fun]为什么不能用greatly funny 哪里有错?②听力问题是这样的 In how many countries has Avatar been shown besides North America according to the talk “帝王”的英文是什么、 我们是王者用英文怎么说我只知道we are zhe .王者好像是c开头的~~~别错了 帝王的英文 求2012年12月四级听力选项题目第一题是11.  W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in bloom.  M: Why don't we walk over there and see for ourselves?  Q: What will th 几道高中英语定语从句填空,要分析1.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,----the sailing time was 220days----为空 求2012年12月四级听力的mp3 高中英语定语从句填空1 Women 空 drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance chance of having having heart disease than those 空 don't急 求2012年12月四级听力mp3 2012年12月份的四级听力是谁念的 【初二数学几何】如图,三角形ABC中,AB=AC,延长AC到点D,在射线BA上是否存在一点E【求大神把图画出来】已知,三角形ABC中,AB=AC,延长AC到点D,在射线BA上是否存在一点E,联结DE,恰使DE被直线BC截成相 某移动通讯公司开设了两种通讯业务:“全球通”使用者缴50元月租费,然后每通话1分钟再付话费0.12元;“快捷通”使用者不缴月租费,每通话1分钟,付话费0.2元(本题均指市内通话).若一个 I think I have found my Mrs Right.翻译成中文 1.点P(m+3,n+1)在平面直角坐标系的y轴上,则m=_____,n为_____2.一个正多边形除一个内角外,其余各个内角的和为1650°,求这个多边形的边数和这个内角的度数3.如图所示,△ABC中,P是﹤ABC,﹤ACB外角的 is that 6a.m workout getting in the way of good sleep为什么书上翻译过来是“是早上6点的锻炼阻碍了好睡眠吗?” 高中英语选择,定语从句.By nine o' clock ,all the olympic torch bearers had reached the top of mount Qomolangma,_____apeared a rare rainbow soon.a.of which B.on which C from which D above which此题从句不是缺主语吗?介词+which不 Getting so good at that!怎么翻译 求一份2012年12月四级听力原文!注意:是原文而不是老外读的,我想知道卷子的问题是什么! 1若y:x=2:5,且y减x=负6,则x+y=( )2如果x,y取0到9的整数,且满足2y-3x=负11,则10x+y的值可能是( )3一个平行四边形的两个边长分别是X.Y且X比Y的2倍小3,若其周长为42,则X=( ),Y=( )4如果方程组3X 高中英语单选 强调句 定语从句1.It was the young man's casual attitude in the interview,I think,____cost him the job.A.which B.that B选A为什么不可以 如果把它当成定语从句有什么问题?2.I had done everything____was possib 1.例如put的ing形式是putting这样尾词要双写的单词有怎样的规律?2.什么时候/st/发/st/音,什么时候/st/发/sd/音? 课文中的父与子经历了生死离别,又重逢在一起,他们会说些什么呢 一定要自己写的 谢 高中英语的完成句子(关于定语从句)1.This is the dictionary ___________(我花五十块买的)(spend)2.The classroom _____________(门坏了的)will soon be repaired.3.Up to now,he has written ten stories ,______(其中三 一个关于定语从句的句子 希望大家能帮我分析一下.The proportion of after-tax income that households spend to remain current on loan payments has fallen.我觉得这个that是一个定语从句并且在句子中充当一个状语成 病句修改怎么写给采纳 如果已知x+y=5,那么x+y+6=11,反之,如果已知x+y+6=11,如果已知x+y+6=11,那么x+y=5.在以上运算中,体现了一种整体思想,这里的“x+y”可以看作一个“整体”.试着进行下面的计算:3.已知a+b=A.ab=A+13.1-2【a+ 1.We saw several natives towards our party ,and one of them came up to us_____we gave some bills and glassesA.to which B.towhom C.with whom D.with which2.the th ught of going back home was___kept him happy while he was working abroadA.that B.all that