
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:42:11
口哨 张海迪 求第10节的含义, 谁能帮我下下这个文章的英语语法啊2 “pot surface” the core competitiveness mainly manifests,in `Jan,is quick,is new ' on three characters.” ,“Jan” is living.He lived at that time in a basement,during two years,he saved more th 如何把英语语法运用到写作中? some否定形式(1题)some(否定形式) 《伯牙绝弦》扩写主要扩写钟子期死后伯牙会怎样.(用上一些描写音乐的词汇)!例如:钟子期死后,伯牙来到他的墓前弹奏了《高山流水》然后伯牙会干什么说什么最终把琴摔碎。 Some 数学竞赛题...髙手来答题人注意:1.一定要正确,不可马虎,乱答.2.每道题都应该有讲解,3.非诚勿扰.4.可以只答会的题,标清题号.竞赛题如下:(1)已知点P在平面直角座标系中的座标为(0,1),O为 this kind of computer ______too much .can;t afford it.A takes B spends C took D wested 英语词性填空Dear Mr. Hunt While we _____lunch last week ,I___a job in our London office,I have been authorized ___it to you. If you _____our office,it ___that your salary_______.I____to our accounts departments and,according to them, we a 梯形ABCD中,AD//BC ,AD=3,DC=5,AB=3√2,∠B=45 ,动点M从B点出发沿线段BC以每秒2个单位长度的速度向中点C运动,动点N同时从C点出发沿线段CD以每秒1个单位长度的速度向中点D运动,当MN//AB时,NC长为多少? 已知X平方-3XY-4Y平方=0求(X平方-Y平方)/(X平方+Y平方)请写.... 如果X+3/2=Y-1/3=Z-2/4,且X+Y+Z=18,求X,Y,Z的值?请写上主要思路和详细过程. 要把破损的圆片复制完整,已知弧上三点A,B,C.(1)用尺规作图找出弧BAC所在圆的圆心(写出作法)(2)设△ABC是等腰三角形,底边BC=10cm,腰AB=6cm,试求出圆片的半径R. 1.配方法:6x^2-x-12=0.2.x^2-x-5=03.方程x^2+(2a-1)x+m^2=0的实数根x1,x2,求实数a的取值范围^2 的意思是平方 用所给单词的适当形式填空 when peter ____ amistake,he says ; 英语语法问题,帮忙看看这篇作文有没有问题(日记)Today many activities,so we all got up earlyToday we are going to go in the first place is twenty-second session of Tsingtao brewstery Festival Entertainment District,we first arri 如图所示,已知 双曲线y=k/x 经过梯形ABOC的上底边,且A(-7,2),AO交BC于点D,S△ABD=3,S△BOD=9,则k=____. when ()it ()?(arrive) half an hour many times ()the doctor ()(be)to america When ——it ——(leave)?——Half an hour ago. A:When________it________?(arrive)B:Half an hour ago.急! 有趣的一件事 用英语描述一件有趣的事,越短越好! some数学题!11.一套衣服打七折后是600元,这套衣服原价多少元?12.一批小麦的出粉率是80%,要磨出200千15克的面粉需要多少千克小麦?13.一本故事书,看了30页后还剩60%,还剩多少页没有看?14.用30克盐 先说husband,MM会说u(you),再说wife,MM会说I"""是什么意思啊 Husband, wife you would like to 什么意思?`.翻译后还是看不出... 谁知道哦? 推荐几本能查单词,有语法、练习题的书籍(辞典)? “———”“————————”写出了苏黄的友好关系和互相切磋,谈论的神情 里面填什么,应该是《核舟记》里面的 tall,is,he,how!如何变成一个感叹句 英语词性活用填空 同义句转换:I want to improve my Maths=I want to ________ my Maths ________ Sexual Intercourse是什么意思 本句语法不规范,帮我改一下some famous scientists who they take much times on their own experiments so as to cause their successful results, because some experiments need a lot of texts to point out their precision 谁能帮我看一下这个句子哪里语法不规范吗?顺便帮改下 What's more terrible is that the patients who give themselves treatment by using the computers instead of seeing a doctor sometimes might be misdiagnosed and their illness will