
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:42:20
关于carry outMore than 430 kidnaps were reported in 2007,many carried outby police officers.这个句子里的carry 有知道的希望能帮忙回答一下如果我用了别人的网银在淘宝上买东西.但是用的是我自己的淘宝账号.那么卡主在查看消费记录时能知道我是在哪家店铺买的么?就是她能不能知道我的东西是在 帮查一下申通快递,668954343775 ,上午还能查到呢,这会儿查不到了,电话也没给我打! 请帮我制定一下健身计划本人25岁.身高170.体重45KG.上班族..工作性质关系,时间比较充足.我有看到你给别人的回答,觉得你在健身方面很在行.希望你能给我做一份健身方面的计划. I wish everything to be all right.改成同义句 I hope everything_____ ______. 5.Everything seems all right,_____ A.does i5.Everything seems all right,_____ A.does it B.don’t they C.won’t it D.doesn’t it 英语学霸快出现 英语学霸快过来 快过来! 怎样区分疑问句中的主语?到底是I don't know what is the population of China还是I don't know what the population of China .老师说是I don't know what is the population of China,也就是what is the population of China是陈述句了 用water photo bike写一个三年级的英语小短文.不超过一分钟 改错 Is your brother get up later than before I get up later than my mother.改为同义句. i get up later than my mother.同义句 这件睡衣适合我吗?英语怎么说 Mary is 32kg .Nancy is 30kg(用than合成一段话) Mary is ____ than Lingling . A. higher a student B. high a student C. a high student D. a higher student为什么选D,请详解,谢谢. 单句改错:1.Mary married a rich businessman who is double than her age.2.Big changes have taken place over the past few years.3.Why do they prefer shooting than wrestling?4.The late Premier Zhou Enlai is wide known in the world.5.How wonderful t stay hungry.stay foolish.可以用到哪些地方? Nobody else is taller than Mike改为最高级形式 the car couldn't start because the weather was too cold的同义句 She is patient and she can spend a lot of time ___[explain]things to her students In her free time ,she often does sports.She thinks she can keep young and beautiful in that_____. The old lady thinks of the past time when she is free的句型转换是什么 uncle jack如下uncle jack is ( )a.my father and mother's friendb.my father and my mother's friendc.a friend of med.a friend of my mother's and father's可以告诉我bd为什么错了吗? he runs slower than any other boy同义句 I run slowly than you还是I run slower than you? 英语翻译Emergency officials said residents in low-lying coastal areas from North Carolina to Maine should be prepared for possible evacuations in coming days.They said residents should monitor local weather officials,who may begin issuing storm w 英语翻译Autism is a developmental disorder that causes problems in communicating with others,but Grandin has overcome her disability to become a respected author and advocate for the humane treatment of livestock.Producer Emily Gerson Saines,who 英语翻译经销商原计划把这台865H卖给一个潜在客户,但因为这个客户出价太低,最终还是没有谈成这笔生意. 英语翻译代理商的销售经理正在努力说服客户购买这台车 I want___(know)anout your time. 单复数 populationThe ethnic group has a population of 20000 and 60% of the population__(are/is) farmers.答案是are 关于population的单复数用法能讲详细点么?