
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:45:02
下面这个句子中为什么用with which引导定语从句?Grandma was a wonderful story-teller,and she had a set of priceless,individually (独特地) tailored stories with which American grandparents of her day brought up children. 此句in which 引导的事定语从句吗?The united state of America is often seen as a nation in which the pursuit of happiness is not a dream but a reality. 就是跟中文中的扩句一样,用that,which,who或whose引导的定语从句完成句子1.the survivors were dug out by soldiers2.the nation was shocked at the news 越快越好 感激不尽 This is my sweater.It is a red.哪里有错误我有道题目上有的 连词成句:sweater,the,red,one,in,a,is(.)怎么连? 饱经苦难 造句快啊,给100分 请举出两个经历苦难而获得成功的事例.(造句) 马上要交作业了,非常急!谢谢哥姐们帮忙了·用友谊和理解、 成功和失败、 幸福和苦难造句分别造句3 计算器上 AC CE C 键各有什么区别?他们和GT键的效果有什么不同的关系? 全球化的英语怎么说?请告诉我几个意思为“全球化”的英语单词, This red T-shirt is pretty.的中文意思 how,is,blue,T-shirt,much,this连词成句 is,this,green,much,shirt,how(?)连词成句 题目:This is me. 内容要求:内容充实,结构清晰,完整.字数:80--120个单词.(英语作文) 以This is me为题英语作文(80-120个单词),要展现其乐观,幽默的特点,是man. 热烈怎么造句 This is myself.英语作文 80个单词以上.好的另加50分(急)如题 也就是有关myself的...今晚就要...好的另加50啊.补充下 是中学作文 热忱的造句 热忱造句 热情该怎么造句热情该怎莫造句 热情造句 巧和造句 一个句子中有两个定语从句,问是都用that还是which,还是什么?讲清楚些 定语从句中 in which怎么用啊(好像是什么句尾in提前)求具体用法 怎样判断非限定性定语从句的which 指代的是前面的句子 还是某个词? 可不可以有两个which 的定语从句搞糊涂了能不能举几个例子 用Which造定语从句 5句 又能符合标准的 Keep A Secret 歌词 second,minute,moment前边各用什么介词.time前边介词有多少种不同用法 keep a secret我需要这个词组的意思,用法和例句撒~我更需要的是它的用法 the second ,the minute,the moment.怎么用....举几个例子.说详细点儿. Assembly lines made it possible for many people to buy cars.保持语句意思不变Assembly lines _____ many people to ____ cars.快 Assemble lines made it possible for many people to buy cars.要求保持原意Assemble lines _____ many people _____ buy cars.