
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:32:25
有没有人能给我说一些好听的英文歌啊.谢谢了.求解答 用“掌中英语”学英语.可以达到与人交谈的地步嘛?.有没有人学过 If I have some questions, can you help me?1、She is ( ) this year.A、seventy-years-old B、seven years old C、seventy-year-old D、seventy year old2、Then he puts his hands ( ) his pockets.A、into B、in C、to D、at 科技英语阅读高教版 第十单元课文翻译 这个阿拉斯加以后能长多大?公狗,七个月肩高67,体重70多斤.已经长了新毛了.请问它按正常发育的话一岁多成年的体型大概是多大呢? 4个月阿拉斯加30斤正常吗?我家小阿4个月了,是个DD,毛挺短的,昨天去称了下,30斤,有些人出去就问我,说你家狗是不是串的?我就郁闷的很, 阿拉斯加能长多大? 阿拉斯加六个月最少能长到多大 帮我找一下一下英文单词,考试要用,1.星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,星期天的英文单词2.一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月的英文单词 英语八年级上学期P92页 Scientist wanted 翻译 the more he learned about Dominic,the more he wanted to help翻译 是On one's fiftieth birthday 还是 On one's fifties birthday?求救啊,坐等坐等. 谁能告诉我2个月的阿拉斯加雪橇犬体重是多少?我想请教下,2个月大的阿拉斯加体重是多少或者45天左右的体重是多少? in his one 与in his fifties对吗? Little Tom likes the shoes with lamps.(对划线部分提问,划线部分为with lamps)______ ______ _______ shoes does little Tom like? She wanted me to be more than she had been, when I thought she was everything I wanted to be.这句话该怎么翻译 she found that she missed him more than she had——A.wished B.hoped C.expected D.wanted 选哪个为什么 Tom had a toothache 对划线部分提问 ,划线部分是toothache I wanted something more than She wanted to plan and you get married的语法有没有错误 HE WANTED TO HAVE LUNCH 疑问句 英语选择题3(请按要求答题)11.nylon is made ___ air ,coal and water.A.from B.in C.of D.for12.-will he be back very soom?-___A.I experct it.B.I don't expect it C.I expect mot.D.I expect that.13.he smiled,___ my surprise.A.pleased B.please 有谁知道how does it feel(westlife)的中文歌词我要的是西城男孩的 英语选择题2(请按要求答题)6.she heard a terrible noise,___ brought her heart into her mouth.A.it B.which C.this D.that7.is there a shop around ___I can get some fruit?A.which B.where C.it D.what8.Iremember he lives in ___ south ,so we s Westlife的How Dose It Feel中文翻译 英语翻译As a spending bill,it goes first to the House of Representatives,which the Republican Party controls.要求:信达雅.3Q! 英语选择题1(请按要求答题)1.would you please ___ me a hand?A.take B.give C.bring D.help2.he is an ___ writer.(选项+选项意思)A.imaginative B.imagination C.imaginary D.imaginable3.they were surprised ___what he said at the meeting 英语翻译郭嵩焘是中国近代历史上具有远见卓识的洋务派中激进而务实的思想家,其提出全面学习西方物质文明、政治文明、社会文明和西方发达的教育制度的主张在清朝政府及其官员中产生 What mustn't we do there?翻译成中文 5题英语选择题,急求答案. Foulsham House is an old to meet the needs of the 1990s.In many other ways,this house of the 1970sFoulsham House is an old to meet the needs of the 1990s.In many other ways,this house of the 1970s 对不起,是:In many other ways,this house of th 求推荐六级好的听力练习册,我想在2个月的时间内把听力加强一下,买了本什么王迈迈六级的听力训练.那个语速要慢的要死,比四级的都慢,白瞎钱了,希望各位推荐本跟真题差不多语速的习题册