
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:51:24
1.若你要测量自己的脉搏,你需要的仪器是____________,实验中需要测量的数值是_________.若要判断自己的脉搏是否健康,你认为还需要知道___________.2.有甲.乙两支温度计,他们下端的玻璃泡的容积相 what does "post-secondary" mean?thank you 地弹簧调节玻璃门地弹簧怎么调整,玻璃关上后对不正,留有很大的缝隙,我用的是佛山门宝MB-9222那款. 七年级的科学题、需要正确完整的过程、谢谢、小华在假期探望远方的奶奶,他乘坐火车时发现,每经过铁轨接头处,车身都要振动一次;他还发现火车进山洞前一瞬间要鸣笛一次.小华恰好坐在 i ___ any books for three months.a haven't buy b hadn't buy 在如图所示的电路中,两个相同的小灯泡L1和L2分别串联一个带铁芯的电感线圈L和一个滑动变阻器R.闭合开关S后,调整R,使L1和L2发光的亮度一样,此时流过两个灯泡的电流为I.然后,断开S.若时刻再 make a big difference是什么意思 primary secondary tertiary quaternary .还有继续下去的吗?求越多越好 英语翻译翻译:UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED,DIMENSIONS ARE RELATED TO DATUM A (PRIMARY),DATUM B (SECONDARY) AND DATUM C (TERTIARY).机械制图中的一句英文,如何翻译? 英语翻译No examples could be found of retailers in other European countriesintegrating primary and secondary distribution in this way. 若以右图所示装置,用电化学原理生产硫酸,写 出通入O2电极的电极反应式为 .(5)为稳定持续生产,硫酸溶液的浓度应维持不变,则通入SO2和水的质量比为____________. 雅思口语A situation that made you laugh求大神帮我准备一个回答的材料Describe a situation that made you laugh.You should say:what it waswhen it happenedwho was with youand explain why you laughed.2) Further question:Are comedies p in 1968,the american goverment worked with the phone company to establish 911 as thecentral number for all types of emergencies.翻译 关于灾害的英语作文对灾害的态度,在灾害中扮演什么角色,怎么做 哈尔滨冰雪文化为话题的英语作文 英语翻译请问几位?:请问有没有早餐卷:另一位没有卷的话,我们可以给你打9折,打完折39元/位:如果卷放在房间的话,这个要让你自己上去拿,我们服务员不可以进客人房间:我们是自助早餐,布菲 Do you know ___people in the business/ A.another B.others C.other 【英语选择题】​I think somebody()is in the room.A.other B.others C.else D.anotherI think somebody()is in the room.A.other B.others C.else D.anotherHe has been here().A.for 5 years B.since 5 years C.for 5 years ago D.since 5 y The poor boy __ on the farm without any pay1.was made to work2.made work3.made to work4.was made work说明理由谢谢 英语翻译The days without youThe days without you is the days out of control;The days without you is the days full with missing;The days without you is the days we always go shopping as always;The days without you is the days without love;The days The bog made to clean streets without being paid in the old days Bill is healthy对划线部分提问,划线部分是healthy.一一Bill 冰雪作文怎么写? 我和冰雪共成长作文谁有该主题作文 发下 与冰雪有关的作文 我与冰雪共成长作文 用燕yān组词 喝读(yè)时怎么组词 下图是我国某河干流一个水文站测得的全年各月流量统计图,据此回答该河流域适合种植的经济作物是A.小麦 B.甜菜 C.棉花 D.小米【答案不重要,重要的是解析!同求拓 draw up 翻译是什么.. 翻译:那位代表提出我们应制定详细的计划,在全球范围内实施环境保护(draw up) the cold winds that blow off of the arctic ocean make the north pole a very cold place.哪个是主语?哪个是宾语补足语? the gold ____in qingdao is very nice.