
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:11:20
英语翻译还是只能翻译成”nine billion”? 用英语怎么翻译“960千米”,nine thousand six hundred kilometres对不对啊? 1.This is a piece of writing paper.改为复数 2.The cat is eating biscuits under the chair改为否定句 here is another piece of paper意思 Do you still remember how great it was to draw on a piece of paper?That is warm there is a piece of paper.改成特殊疑问句应该怎样改呢? here的复数形式 This is a woman teacher复数形式 Is that a piece of bread?还有2个That's the teachers'office的复数 IS he a German回答了再给10分 It is time 后面有虚拟语气和没有虚拟语气有什么不同?两者的语法是怎么样啊?语法书上说:It is time we start是虚拟语气的句子,可是不是还有一个句型好象是:It is time for sb to ---这句不是虚拟 虚拟语气It's time的用法我想问下,在虚拟语气中It's time后面接什么?可不可以接should 加动原 注意是在虚拟语气中噢. 2014年7月8月新闻 2014年7月4日──7月20日政治时事与简评3条以上 2014年7月5日——8月22日新闻,每天两条 What's in the piece of chocolate? it's a piece of cake是啥意思? The woman g__ the man a big piece of chocolate a piece of work a piece of 可以用在哪些词前 写出表示色彩多的词 描写颜色或多的词语 there is no time _____(think)about it of that后面加一个名词什么意思,什么用法?These professionals not only have a responsibility for the creation,development,and implementation of that tradition,but also are expected to provide a service to the public,within limits,without sure of that是什么意思 gimme some of that,为什么要加of that ,好像没意思啊!我想问问为什么有of that,请高手赐教,我问的是 为什么有 of that,不是光 of that --SAT语法Someone living in a technological,consumption-oriented culture probably taxes the environment at a rate many times (that of a country such as Myanmar.)the correct answer is:that of someone living in a country like Myanmar 帮忙写出表示颜色的词语.墨绿:再 写 六 个葡萄灰:再 写 六 个 他会用南瓜做提灯 英文he can ——lanterns —— —— pumpkins 他会用南瓜做提灯.的英文,He can ____ lanterns ______ ______ pumpkin. 翻译句子汉译英 他会用南瓜做提灯 请问番瓜的英文翻译是什么? 一首抒情的男声的英文歌 歌词有好几个love you歌词是:oh baby i love you love you love you baby i love you 很好听的 With modern offices becoming more mechanized,designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer,less severe interiors. 英语翻译不要光说字面意思,说说引申义嘛