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英语翻译 英语翻译英语CET4级. 第2段,这个段落不好懂 希望可以详细解释一下,通俗易懂点,不要用电脑翻译,我在线等 谢谢 英语翻译 make的语法make sb addicted to是正确的吗?为什么不用make sb be addicted to never mind ill find someone like you 中文翻译 someone like you...never mind find someone like you 英语翻译第二个 you turned out to be the 要真确的, Never mind.I'll find someone like you it is good to go swimming ___this time of C.for D.on make sb to do sth和make sb do sth的区别和使用e.g.He made the sun to light the day2.It made us laugh1和2为何一个加了to,一个又不用 make sb do sth是使某人做某事,那么能否说make sb not do sth“使某人不做某事”呢? 用造句 英语翻译Lene Marlin -sitting down here 翻译成中文的Sitting Down Here 歌手:Lene Marlin 专辑:Playing My Game I'm sitting down here,But hey you can't see me Your words cut rather deeply,They're just some other lies I'm hiding from a di 阿黛拉 someone like you 高潮部分铃声,从never mind i will find someone like you开始.邮箱306499584 someone like you 铃声 要从never mind I will find someone like you开始的 First time,it is an accident.Second time,it is a coincidence.Third time,it is an illusion.And the forth,you see it wrongly 英文阅读题目,求原文和答案.scratching the surface[parasite / insect bites ]寄生虫/昆虫叮咬Q1-5 A--- the laboratorgB--- the factorgC--- the office1 workers who met each other socially suffered from the condition.2 the vietins were al 同义句转换:It's time for swimming.改为:It's time___ ___.What do you think of the show?___ ___ ___ ___ the show?Lily sees the film for the first time.___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the film. 开端 发展 高潮 结局 用英语怎么说小说情节中开端 发展 高潮 结局四个阶段,所用的单词是那些. 19世纪的法国新古典主义与以前的古典主义有什么区别呢? 准备出国 学英语头疼 想找个英语好的网友交个朋友 顺便帮帮我练习下口语能力 我想找个讲英语的外国网友聊天,不知道到哪儿找,怎么找? 成都有外国会英文的朋友么?求口语练习有朋友有外国朋友会英文的么?求交朋友~ those.these.thirty哪个发音不同 一道初中数学的题目,我不懂佳供电公司分时电价执行时段分为平 谷两个段,平段为8:00到22:00,工14h.谷段为22:00到次日8:00,平段用电价格在原销售电价基础上每千瓦/时上浮0.03元,谷段电价在原销 请指教x^2 -3x -10 =0a =1b =-3c =-10x = -(-3) ± √(-3)^2 - 4(1)(-10)x =3 ± √9 -(-40)/ 2x =-3 ±√49 / 2(其实算式不止这么多的,但是到这里我就不懂了,算式开头的那个3 怎么会突然变成 -3 )这就是我的问 翻译成中文“Am I down to earth?” I am down as the first presenter.怎么翻译?i am down的用法 因为有更多的人比我们更需要你,翻译英语,给好凭 英语翻译XXX是我最爱的学校 (谢绝翻译机,翻译的口语一点 ) 英语语法:否定词一般都是放在情态动词后 i shouldn't ,i should never 但是今天看到一本书有用了I never should 请问这是被允许的吗?not 也可以放在情态动词前吗? 填词 A little monkey is p--------by the lake.He sees some fish swimming in the lake效率高者,