
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:21:25
I will realize my dream! Come on! Try中文是什么意思 速回谢谢 —Hi!How are you______(do)?填什么?... A:Hi Peter How are you.B:I'm ____1__ Thank you .A:I called you yesterday morning.You mum ___2___ you were out.Where __3__ you go __5__?B:I ______4__ to the zoo.A:Whom did you go ____5_____B:I went there with Tony.A:Tony?______6___ is Tony?B:Oh!Tony i hi,cidy?how are you hi how are you 为什么石壕吏以石壕吏为题 是石壕吏的题 石壕吏的问题,谁能帮帮我《石壕吏》中最能反映战争给人民带来的悲苦和绝望的名句是? 英语翻译我们会为你用最快的快递从纽约发货,但是星期四能否到达我们不能保证,发货后我们会为你发送快递单号,希望能按时到达, 英语翻译下面有几个问题我想与您确认,望您耐心解答:1.请问贵公司所在的行业和在当地所处的定位与位置2.如果贵公司所需要的票务系统所需要的语言版本3.需要我们公司提供什么样的服务 英语翻译the settlement of the region between the old sea-board states and the Mississippi River; the settlement of the Louisiana Territory; and the occupation of the far southeast.着重settlement这里应该怎么翻译? Nobody knows that I’m better off .Making up lies to be left alone .啥意思 Better is a neighber that is near you rather than a brother far off.此句英文的背景,来源 Some people believe that they would be better off ___more adaptive activities in their leisure time,such as establishing relationships and teaching their children.A.Doing B.To do C.Having done D.To be doing At seven,he went up to look at John,who was sleeping at that time.怎么翻译 I was excited that he ____ the homework on time.A.hand in B.hands in C.handed in D.has handed in E.had handed in F.handing in可多选. It____dangerous for people and there is an internatiomal sign for radioactivity.A:cannot beB:maybeC:can beD:is able to be 要有理由奥!有分 为什么不选D.不对吗,那该怎么改才对 人工翻译几句话!If you go on like this,you’ll end up in prison.Our teacher is thinking about taking us to Disneyland this weekend.I have to fill in some forms. 英语翻译1.你在干什么?我在装扮成一个鬼.2.她在干什么?她在为万圣节做准备.3.我们敲别人家的门,他们拿糖果招待我们.4.在那天美国人用南瓜做成灯笼.5.一年中你最喜欢哪个节日? 英语翻译在生活中,我是一个很喜欢交朋友的人.因为我的性格比较开朗,喜欢说话.有一句俗话说的好“朋友多了路好走”,平时的日常生活中,朋友们之间可以互相帮助,互相倾诉,所以,朋友这个 请帮我人工翻译几句话,谢谢!我喜欢女孩,或许因为自己是个女孩,小女孩可能会比小男孩更乖巧可爱,可以给她穿漂亮的衣服,梳漂亮的辫子.女儿对于妈妈可能会更贴心,更孝顺.所以,我喜欢女儿 任务型阅读:Online is a new learning type of education for many studentsOnline education is a new learning type of education for many students.Here are some things that a student should follow before deciding to register for an online degree.The i believed that we must have a happy future 在水平轨道上有一辆实验车,其顶部 装有电磁铁,电磁铁下方吸有一颗钢珠. 在实验车向右匀速直线运动在水平轨道上有一辆实验车,其顶部 装有电磁铁,电磁铁下方吸有一颗钢珠. 在实验车 I can't say thank you too muchfgddd You can nevr say too many "Thanks I don\'t want to say with you too I can believe you continuously 什么意思 I'm afraid I can't accompany you to the old ....我还以为可以这样翻译....的确..翻译不一样...意思就不一样啊...... 1.The reason for all the changes being m1.The reason for all the changes being made ____to us yet.A has not explainedB has not been explained请问选什么,为什么? We're going to leave the changes we made to the order,客人邮件中提到的,不知道是保留改动之处还是舍弃改动之处,感激不尽 say good moring to