
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:18:04
I’d like to ____________ you to a party this Saturday Would you like to have a dinner with me this Saturday Evening?()a、A.Sorry,I don’t want.b、I’d love to.c、I don’t think it’s a good idea.d、Sounds terrible.选哪个 61.This dinner looks _______ to me,and I like it.  A.terribleB.goodC.badlyD.nicely我认为选择B,你们说是不是,因为look是感官动词,而我又喜欢它,所以是B,是不是这样解释,请你们补充一下, I'd like to invite you to have dinner?怎么回答 我现在上大学,英语基础不好,想到欧典教育去补习下英语不知可不可行? 沙坪坝大学城这边有什么好的英语补习班吗?我英语基础比较差,想找个好点的补习基础的英语班就是不知道看书怎么入手,语法完全不懂,基础差得很 Hello,jim.i am having a party this Saturday.Would you like to_____?"_____"里该填什么 why are you having___today?-I am going to Tom's party.A.this beautiful dress B.this nice T-shirtC.this pair of sports shoes Lisa decides _____ to the party this Saturday.A.not go B.not going C.won't go D.not to go说明原因 英语翻译不要翻译机 don"t need和don't have to 的区别?1.You____ return the dictionary now.You can keep it till next week if you like.A.can't B.mustn't C.don't need D.don't have to2.You mustn't finish the work now.There's plenty of time.(改错)两题的意思不是 求翻译:I would really like to know what you do not want for your future spouse?感觉写的怪怪的 need t和don t have to的区别 l do not clear what do i really want.actually,l do not know what i am gonna do in the near future.just as the poet,‘l was wandered like the cloud.’  at the beginning of college,i did have one dream,but now it seems that it does not make an Would you like to performing at the party 改错 急 急 有什么好听的英文歌?最好像because of you,just one last dance.这样经典好听的歌,越多越好哦最好像because of you,just one last dance.这样经典好听的歌,越多越好哦 Would you like to go to the party with me A of course B centainly这两个词有什么区别啊 Just One last Dance这首英文歌是谁唱的?很好听的一首歌,另求这首歌的中英文歌词. 《观沧海》的第二句“以观沧海”中的“观”在诗中的作用是什么 连词成句:is,all ,need,to,more,practice,you,do,to would you like to go to the party with us?(改为同义句) ———to the party with us? Would you like to go to the party?接下句 Who ____ ____English?Mr Wu _____.Don't _____.____you need to practice it more. 观沧海中观字起了什么作用在全诗中起什么作用 朝花夕拾读后感250字 有谁推荐几首英文歌类似于just one last dance的风格的歌曲啊拜托大家了谢谢! 契诃夫写的变色龙中:奥楚蔑洛夫几次三番改变自己的态度、他改变的依据是什么?在每一次改变中、有没有...契诃夫写的变色龙中:奥楚蔑洛夫几次三番改变自己的态度、他改变的依据是什么? 契诃夫的《变色龙》 主人公奥楚蔑洛夫变色了几次?原因是什么? 契诃夫的变色龙中的奥楚蔑洛夫是一个什么样的人.作者主要是通过哪方面的描写来表现他的这一特点 契科夫的《变色龙》,续写奥楚蔑洛夫走上广场后的故事.100字左右,不要网络泛滥版的, 佛 第二声的组词 有和《Because Of You》和《just one last done》同类且撕心裂肺唱法的英文歌吗?