
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:46:01
英语翻译大虾.帮我把这句话翻译成文言文但是,我不会把这个梦想告诉你们的 英语翻译齐孝公伐我北鄙,卫人伐齐,洮之盟故也.公使展喜犒师,使受命于展禽.齐侯未入境,展喜从之,曰∶「寡君闻君亲奉玉趾,将辱于敝邑,使下臣犒执事.」齐侯曰∶「鲁人恐乎?」对曰∶「小 连词成句:1.will,what,do,you,this,sunday 2.do,have,连词成句:1.will,what,do,you,this,sunday2.do,have,you,story,books,any3.speak,can,you,well,english4.went,there,year,i,last5.we,lived,small,a,in,house Baby (JiYu) in my life,I only love you into my effort,to give you happiness.(Only love you)什么 用所给动词的现在完成时或一般过去时填空1 We____(see) him many years ago 2 Miss li__(tesch)us English last term.shi___(teach)English for 20 years 用现在完成时或一般过去时填空A:___you___(be)to London before?B:Yes,I___(spend)my holiday there last year.A:___you___(have)a good time?B:No,it never___(stop)raining. 所给动词填空 是用一般过去时还是现在完成时I am sorry.i ___my diary.(to forget) I am( )at the ( )(surprise)news. What do you think your life will be like in ten years?我只是想问:in the years是十年后的意思还是十年内的意思. how long,how much,how many有啥区别?他们的回答有何不同? 现在完成时的特征词 he___(MOVE)to the city i like_____(movie)very much we were____(surprise)at the news 用所给词的适当形式填空1.The baby was _________(wake) when I came in.2.His father looked very old because of _____________(ill).3.My ____________(excite) made them very surprised.4.We all know the ____________(important) of health.5.Lots of 关于中考感受的作文有谁有关于中考的感受的作文啊?请尽快给我,机用, It is / has been + 段时间 + since + 一般过去时,从句中的动词用延续性动词和非延续性动词有何不同请详解并举例说明,谢谢 how long \how far\how soon \how much的区别 用一般过去时或现在完成时填空1.A:_________you________(have)enough to eat?B:Yes,I_________(have)plenty.Thank you.2.We______(live)in London for two years and then_________(go)to Edinburgh.3.A:_________you______(plant)your peas?B:Yes,I_____ 用一般过去时或现在完成时填空The tapc recorder___(be)out of order last week.We___(have)it repaired the day before yesterday.It ___(be)in good condintion ever since. 用过去时或现在完成时填空【 】you【 】[have]lunch?yeswhen【 】you【 】[have]it?i【 】[have]it at 12:00【 】you【 】[write]a letter to your aunt yet?yes,i【 】.i【 】[write]one last week. 急,用一般过去时或现在完成时填空,感激不尽!1.My brother ___(write) several plays.He___ (just finish) his sixth one.2.Shakepeare ___(write) a lot of books.3.A:How long ___ you ___(live) here?B:He ___(live) here since 1980. 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别 Thank you for ___(help)us learn English.I was____(surprise) at the news要说明原因, it will bealong journey between us I believe I believe you believe more翻译成中文 如果since引导的从句是过去式,那主句用现完时,还是过完 since的从句可以加完成时___the professor had left ,everyone looked relaxedA while B sincesince 不是主句用完成时吗 怎么可以用 since呢 为什么不用不选A呢 著名电影演员李雪健因扮演焦裕禄而获得金鸡奖和百花奖,他说:“苦和累都让一个大好人焦裕禄瘦了,名和利都 李雪健:“苦和累都让一个大好人焦裕禄受了,名和利都让一个傻小子得了” 言外之意是什么? 李雪健说过:所有的苦和累都让焦裕禄受了,所有的荣誉都让一个傻小子得了. 著名电影演员李雪健因扮演焦裕禄而获得金鸡奖和百花奖,他说:“苦和累都让一个大好 英语翻译 在“it is +时间段+since+从句(通常用一般过去时)”句式表示时间多久,一般现在时而不用现在完成时一般现在时而不用现在完成时 关键是这一句话是什么意思?这指的是什么要一般现在时而 I have met him often since I have lived here.这句话对吗?不是现在完成时中since+从句用一般过去时呀?在现在完成时中,since后的从句到底用什么时态?这儿还有一句:I have learned a lot from him since I have known