
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:47:02
我们都是社会的小主人,对我们生活的城市中存在的问题也应该行使监督的权力,请你从生活的社区中发现一个问题,写一封100字左右的信给当地的媒体,并提出自己的相关建议. 关于出国工作的一些疑问1.除了办理好护照,还需要什么?比如什么签证(其实这个是什么东西我都不懂),要不要体检?(要体检的话什么时候体检,去什么地方)2.到了国外,买了一张电话卡用在自 我今年19岁,女.主要想通过出国劳务加强英语水平,希望能提供青岛信誉好的出国劳务公司.而且希望提供一些适合我的工作 did well和well done 有什么区别?well done具体指那种时态?如题. 我想取一个英文名(女),M开头最好.涵义积极向上阳光点的~也可以晒一下大家的英文名~ 1,I have finished a large part of the novel written by Dickens,the rest of which (is) very difficult.2,It was (he) who did it,but it is (her) that we are thinking of.3,Three-fourths of the surface of the earth (is) covered with water.4,This is the th 英语高一期末练习什么好买什么练习好是整套卷子的 1.My father ofen teaches me :”Do it ___or don't do it at all”A finally B difficultly C properly D excitedly2.I can do nothing but ______.A wait B waiting C wait for D waiting for3.---Don’t take that kind of attitude _____your work,or you ‘ll 求这种成语 用音不同字的 如萌面超人禁心尽力 唐尸三摆手 萌面超人 一个句字问题...Whenever I get their new records or CDs,I will keep listening to the songs again and again.句中的 record为什么加s listen为什么加ing 求一个句字解释we must balance the plane when it take offafter take-off,you could take any seat you like航空英语里面的.为什么起飞之前不能坐某个位置(为了飞机平衡)而之后可以坐?岂不是又不平衡了? 时评怎么写 怎么写好时评? 时评文的写法都唔知点写啊 有无人知点写啊?sos sos!sos!sos! 语文的时评怎么写? 时评的开头怎么写 怎样写时评 如何写时评文章 请选择一件你所关注的热点事件写一则时评,有条理地表达自己的观点和立场. 时评应该怎样写? 请教英语问题~高一1、-hi,you look tired.-i'm tired,i---the living room all day.A.have been painting. B. have painted2、-hey,look where you are going? -oh,i'm terribly sorry .-----.A.i haven't noticed.B.i wasn't noticing.请问各位, 1.英语课本上的原话:It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because……问:只知道有not…any longer和no longer,难道还有no…any longer?2.Because he didn’t finish the work on time and was fired by the company,he was 1.Yuan Longping,one of the greatest scientists in China,.as"father of hybrid rice"A is regardedB has regardedC regards 为什么选A?2.I wonder .we can do that thingA whatB that 为什么选A?3.Edison made a lot of inventions,.of great importanceA wh confuse的形容词是哪两个;哪个是令人迷惑的;哪个是感到迷惑的;还有confuse的名词是什么 confuse的两个形容词是什么,哪个是令人迷惑的;哪个是感到迷惑的?还有confuse的名词是什么? 词性转换:civilized变为名词,bury变成名字,confuse变为形容词,在变为名词,variety变为形容词,ture变为副词,major变为名词,destroy变为名词,fascinating变为动词,persuasive变为动词,creative变为动词 语文评语怎么写 三年级语文评语怎么写 100字以内的,尽快尽快…………是教研组给教师的个人评语。如果你是教研组长,你怎么给一个新教师写评语? 语文评语有哪些 带有萌字的成语比如突飞猛进 突飞萌进梦寐以求 萌寐以求 Now I hate you,because you mercilessly hurt my elder sister