
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:18:36
情人节的英文是valentine's day ,那七夕节的英文是什么 1,What did he say ___with those old rubber boots 为什么用he would do 而不是that he would do1,What did he say ___with those old rubber boots为什么用he would do 而不是that he would do2,The English Channel has always been a challenge to sw That's just what he would like to do.的意思 英语课外短语20个. 当x=1时,二次函数y=(k-2m)x3次方+(3/4k-m)x²+m的值为3/2,求k²-m²的值. 已知边长为4的正方形ABCD中右上角有个三角形EDF锈蚀,其中ED为2,FD为1,现要在五边形ABCFE中求一个面积为最大的长方形GHPB,使点P落在线段EF上,则此时长方形面积为多少?会做的数学强人帮帮忙,对 虚拟语气中should什么时候可以省略?The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he _____________ himself.A) injure B) had injured C) injured D) would injure上题,我认为划线处应该填入should/would be injured.但是答案是C. 第一道题目:第二道题目: He is surprised ____the _____ news A .in;surprised B.to;surprised C.at;surprised D.hear;surpring是这几个选项:A.in;surprise B.to;surprised C.at;surprising D.hear;surpring Sophie was very surprised_______hear the newsSophie was very surprised_______hear the news.A at B to C with Don He is very h________ to hear the good news.根据句意以首字母提示填空 《月光曲》的故事是什么? 月光曲故事是怎么发生?详细点的 但不太长 月光曲的故事 帮我找高中语文版的必修5之前的所有古文里的宾语前置句子 找得越多给的越多 越快越好 虚拟语气中should是否可以省略 两个非零向量a,b不共线,求实数k使ka+b与2a+kb共线要过程详细一点的 若8a+kb和ka+2b共线,求实数k的值因为:8a+kb和ka+2b共线所以:存在实数 “入”,使8a+kb=入(ka+2b).即 8a+b=入ka+2入b我想问那个式子 使8a+kb=入(ka+2b).即 8a+b=入ka+2入b是怎么推导出来的?所以:a,b是两 形容词做定语修饰名词的排序 You should keep your eyes _____ when you do eye exercises.A.close B.open C.closed D.opened whai about——?答语:that sound good A.drawing pictures B.play ping-pong C.go shopping 黄色部分看不懂,如何得来.请分析,来自2011北京文数第20题 黄色有什么含义? could you play the piano意思 英语连词成句keep,ciean,we,our,should,room 想知道: 上海市上海新东方住宿基地在哪? 有关回报的名言 上海新东方住宿效果好吗?准备8月28日考雅思,想问下新东方住宿和走读区别大吗?住宿效果好不好 关于回报的名人名言我要有关于回报的名人铭言, 简单句:主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语He likes to watch the boys playing football. to watch 是不是 非谓语啊?这句话的句子成分和上面的结构匹配? Can you play A:the baskeaball B:piano C:the piano 1978年中国历史的伟大转折是指什么?只要内容有那些?