
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:56:09
英语翻译 斯坦是什么意思啊 这句话对吗:To write a essay takes a long time. 求一篇essay.写a time when you work hard是叙事文 求一篇essay.主题a time when you work hard ····叙事文 I don't think we men spend enough time with our kids. 有we men 这个用法? our instructors will spend time with each participant,ensuring that they get enough knowledge and practice on each skill to be able to master it before leaving the course.4085 请大家帮忙改几个英语间接引语的句子!1.My father said,I worked here twenty years ago.2.He said you told me supurself.3.she said I have finished my homework.4.He said,I will help michaed.5.He said,we are getting in the rice. 帮忙造间接引语的英语句子要陈述句10个,祈使句5个,简单的就行,天黑之前哦! 三个吉念什么, 英语直接引语变间接引语(5个句子)1.He said :"Do it well next time."2.He asked :"Are you good at singing?"3.He asked:"What's your name?"4.The teacher said :"Don't be late again."5.She said :" I am cooking supper now." 求y=cos(9/2π+x)+sin^2x的最大值最小值最大值是2 最小值是-1/4 老子的哲学大作《道德经》“道”到底说什么《道德经》是人生的生死经? 黄冈密卷的答案初二的急! 我要黄冈密卷的答案急不可待! 化简f(x)=sinxcosx-√3cos(π+x)·cosx? sinxcosx+cosx^2-2 化简 化简sinxcosx+√3(cosx)^2 一支队伍匀速前进,通讯兵从队尾赶到队前并又立即返回一支队伍匀速前进,通讯兵匀速从队尾赶到队前又立即返回,当通讯兵回到队尾时,队伍已经前进了200米,整个过程中,通讯兵发生的位移大 袆是什么意思 小学高效课堂语文课题研究都有哪些呀? 农村小学如何进行语文课题研究 曲线C1,C2 方程分别是x^2 -y2=0 和X^2 +y^2+2X=0 则两圆交点坐标?曲线C1,C2 方程分别是x^2 -y2=0 和X^2 +y^2+2X=0 则两圆交点坐标? 已知曲线C1:y=X^2,C2:y=2x^2-3x+3,直线l:y=kx+m,l与C1和C2有四个交点,从左向右依次是ABCD(1)证明曲线C2在C1的内部(2)求证:k为定值时,AB-CD也为定值(3)当k=1时,求AB+CD 有哪些错误i has a aunt.her name is lily .she is thirty years old.she likes go shopping .her husband is a teacher.they have a lovely son.he is years old 两天前的晚上的英文翻译 还有放在间接引语中怎么说 谁知道《道德经》属于哪方面的书籍,请指教 老子除了《《道德经》》之外还有别的著作吗? 进尽忠言,则攸之、袆、允之任也 已知x分之(y+z)=y分之(z+x)=z分之(x+y)=k 求k的值 中国人民从此站起来了.(理解句子的含义) guess