
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 17:41:50
已知点M(4,1),经过点M的直线L与x,y轴正半轴交于A,B,点O是坐标原点 (1)如果三角形ABO面积最小,求直线(1)如果三角形ABO面积最小,求直线L的方程(2)如果OA+OB最小,求直线L的方程(3)如果MA×M 英语翻译 直线过点(-4,2),与x轴的负半轴相交于A,y轴的正半轴相交于B,O为原点,当三角形ABO的面积最小时,求直线BC的方程 已知直线过点(-4,2),与x轴负半轴交于点A,与y轴正半轴交于点B,O为坐标原点,当三角形ABO的面积最小时,求AB的直线方程 Some of us ( )is very imortant.A(know) B(knows) C(knowing)D(to know)是C还是D,还麻烦告诉小弟当两个动词一起出现时,什么时候用Ving形式,什么时候用TO+ V原. 求a.b的大小关系a=2004^3-2003(2004^2+2005)\2003(2002^2-2001)-2002^2,b=2005^2-2004(22005^2+2006)\2004(2003^2-2002)-2003^2 若|b|=|a|,则a与b的大小关系为 如果a>|b|,那么a与b的大小关系是什么? 英语翻译 英语翻译全文,要快,多回答,我感谢 天文望远镜目镜上的K9或K20是什么意思啊 有没有一种鸟没有脚,一生不断的飞,只停一次便是它死时? 填上适当的词. 已知抛物线y=ax2+bx+c与x轴正半轴交于P,Q两点,与y轴正半轴交于点M,且|OM|=|OP|=|PQ|,O为原点,求b的值若三角形MPQ的面积为2,求抛物线的解析式 may I know______he told you?Athat Bif Cwhat Dwhich 天文望远镜的增倍镜是连接在主镜和天顶镜之间还是天顶镜和目镜之间. 请教he may not know about it请问he may do not know about it有区别吗/ 若a/b>1,那麽a一定大于b.这句话对不对?若对,便说对;若不对,请说明理由.谢谢! 求文言文读本144“割席分坐”的译文 割席分坐课文翻译 One motivational analyst who became curious to know there had been such a great rise in impulse buying at supermarkets was James Vicary. He suspected that some special psychology must be going on inside the women as they shopped in supermarkets. His A是B的5倍,B就是A的1/5, Who takes care of the elderly in the United States today? The fact is that family members provide over 80% of the care that elderly people need. In most cases the elderly live in their own homes. A very small percentage of America’s elderly live in 如果A:B=3:5,那么A=3,B=5, Today almost 70% of the electrical power we use comes from power plants that use fossil fuels (矿物燃料) to make electricity.Fossil fuels,such as oil,coal,and natural gas,are burned to make electricity.Burning fossil fuels releases pollution and 英语翻译American industry is divided on a new standard from a reletively unknown standards developer that purports to promote social accountability in the work place 帮我看看我的对不对:a*5/1+b*5/1=40,哪么a+b={200}. 《割席分坐》的原文与翻译 最好有相关的题 英语翻译 给困难起名字 阅读 给困难起名字阅读答案 情绪力:全美最受欢迎的生命能量课