
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:50:11
春游北河公园作文400字跪求!求知道! 1个足球的价钱等于5个排球的价钱,王老师买了6个足球和10个排球,一共用去600元,每个排球多少元? 人教版五年级英语上册期末试卷 五年级(人教版)上册英语期末试卷(附答案)1月18号或1月19给答案,酬劳不低哦! 上海自然博物馆 和 上海科技馆上海自然博物馆和科技馆是不是都有动植物的标本化石之类的东西 有必要两者都去逛么 如果只选一个应该选哪个 门票是多少 还有想知道从火车站到科技馆的 参观西安自然博物馆的作文 游上海自然博物馆 作文 体育老师带了304元共买排球和足球6个.其中足球单价是55元,排球单价是42元.老师买排球和足球各几个? 利民超市足球售价每个56元.刘老师带的钱恰好可以买6个足球或者8个排球.你能算出一个排球的价钱吗?今天内一定要给答案(2012年3月7日)急! 王老师买了1只足球和6个排球,共花了470元,一个足球的价钱是80元,一个排球是多少元?(列方程式) 作文 五年级秋游作文怎么写? 英语八年级同义句转换题1.The Indian boy no longer lived here.The Indian boy _ _ there _ _.2.I don't know how I can get to the right place.I don't know _ _ _ the right place.3.What does the word mean?What do you _ _ this word? 八年级下册英语.同义句转换.每空一次1.Would you pleased show us the photos?Would you pleased ____ ____ ____ ____ ____?2.I'm sure that I can finish the work.I'm sure ____ ____the work3.Spring is the best time to visit Huaguo MountainSpri 八年级英语同义句转换1.The teacher asked us to close our eyesThe teacher asked us to ( ) our eyes ( )2.There are around sixty students in our classThere are ( ) sixty students in our class3.My father will go to Shanghai next MondayMy fathe ( 列方程解应用题:一个足球的价钱等于5个排球的价钱,老师买了8个足球10个排球,一共用去600元,每个足球多少元? 关于秋游的作文500字写去上海野生动物园的 秋游消防大队500字作文 比较级同义句转换的题要人教版的,英语八上比较级的同义句转换的题,像:as.as,not as...as什么的同义句转换, 八年级上册英语(同义句转换)1."Don't smoke." the teacher said to him.The teacher asked him ______ ______ ______.2.My father exercises every day.My father ______ ______ every day.3.Good food and exercise help you to keep healthy.Good foo 八年级上册英语同义句转换He rides to work on Mondays.=He goes to work ____ ____ on Mondays.=He goes to work ____ ____ ____ on Mondays.还有 再加个、、I usually go to Shanghai by plane on business.=I usually ____ to Shanghai on busine 给几篇优秀的关于秋游的作文要详细描写秋游时的景色,要生动,形象 王老师购买排球和足球,其中购买的排球个数是足球的3分之1,如果把10个排球换成10个足球,那么排球的个数相当于足球的7分之1,问王老师买来的排球和足球共有多少个?方程不能用Y 作文:秋游要500字以内的,自己写的 《我要去秋游》作文李老师让我扪去秋游,可是,要看谁的作文写的好,帮帮涐.以我要去秋游为题写一篇作文,要写出听到老师说去秋游的消息的心情和神态动作. 秋游作文(在线等)要好句好段,中学低年级水平,最好来一篇关于到郊外秋游的文章(不要太浅)去佘山,不要给我无关紧要的长篇大论~ 关于秋游的作文 八年级英语-同义句转换Why don't you go shopping with me?____ ____ go shopping with me 关于八年级英语,同义句转换!Can you help me with the math problem!(同义句转换)____ ____ _____ help me with the math problem!只留了三个空,想了半天也没想出三个字组成同义句子.什么 would you like to 是四个词, 1.They can hardly decide what they will do next._____ _____for them to decide what _____ _____next.2.The building is not the same as that one.This building is ______ ______that one3.He is so young that he can not look after himself well.He is too you 八年级英语的同义句转换~The sick man is weak .He can't say a word (改为同义句)The sick man is ___ ___ ___ ___ a word .Miss Lin stopped and had a talk with Lucy.(改为同义句)Miss Lin stopped ___ ___ a talk with Lucy. 记一次秋游400字作文急要在基湖秋游的作文,急