
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:28:31
科学家最近合成了一种烃,根据分析,绘制出了该烃分子的球棍模型(如图),关于该烃的下列说法正确的是 求一张乙烯的球棍模型图 橘红色是哪四种颜色合成的? 橘红色配什么颜色 英语翻译This shipment has been sent as an LCL shipment,not an FCL.Therefore,the Port Charges are based on the cbm,which is 33.43 so the total APC will be $4912.02.This also means that the shipment can not be delivered out in the container and I w 疯狂猜图36关品牌是什么?白色的底 红色的圆圈,少了一部分,三个字 ,中文. 疯狂猜图36,这是什么品牌? 内墙涂料用什么好 I have a lovely bedroom.There is a bed in my bedroom.There is a desk near my bed.There is a pinkdoll on my bed.I sleep with it every night.There is a big window in my bedroom.The yellow lamp is on my desk .Every evening,I do my homework under the lam 以My bedroom为题 This is my bedroom,it's nice,I like it very much.There is a desk in my bedroom进行小作文训练.(第一、二句已经给出),还给出这几个单词要加上(computer sofa lamp )要有汉语意思哦. 文件的物理结构有哪3种,分别具备什么优缺点 what is striking about what is happening is ... 文件的物理结构密切依赖于什么 10BASET采用的是()的物理连接结构? 请问您一个我非常想知道的世界史问题?世界史中只人类文明只从四大古国讲述了,我想知道除了四大古国所在的亚洲和欧洲以及非洲北部以外,其它各大陆难道没有自己的古老文明吗?比如北美 日本女王卑弥呼遣使到中国,为什么被列为“世界史大事件”之一? 三国时期,日本女王卑弥呼遣使到中国,为什么被联合国列为“世界史重要事件之一”? there is a bad a desk a closet and a shelf.变成否定句,怎么变? 英语 :shelf after shelf.1. she searched shelf after shelf . ( shelf after shelf是状语对吧) 诸如 一个接一个. 用after 表达方法. 一般 one shelf after another. 是需要加出冠词或其他限定词的. 要不就使用 one a 蛋白质分子中有哪些重要的化学键?各有什么功能? how about taking a rest now 为什么不用TAKE 而用TAKING how about a rest=how about we having a rest可以吗? haw about have a rest 还是how about to have a rest哪个对原因是什么 This is a picture of my room 为什么填of This is a picture o---- my bedroom.It's a nice r----.The door is high.根据首字母填单词And a footabll is behind i------My desk is near the window.You can see some books a----- food on it.I p---- my story books in my bag. here is a photo of my room.和 this is a photo of my room.区别here is a photo of my room.和 this is a photo of my room.区别 What about having a party?(同义句替换) What about having dinner with me?改为同义句 LTE中,逻辑信道、传输信道和物理信道之间的映射有什么作用啊?已经找到答案了:逻辑信道=信的内容传输信道=平信、挂号信、航空快件等等物理信道=写上地址,贴好邮票后的信件 逻辑信道、传输信道、物理信道什么关系? 逻辑信道和物理信道有什么区别最好能举例说明 逻辑信道 和物理信道有什么区别啊 最好能通俗点讲