
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:28:18
本人没有初中语法基础所以最好告诉一些与初中有关的知识点 1it was last week( )i attended an art exhibition for the first time A so B because Cthat Dsince2he ( ) for a whole year now A left B has left C has gone D has been away 3I find( ) easy to drive a car.Ait B thatC himself D this 4neither of them( )in The old town has narrow streets and small houses_____are built close to each other.I have reached a point in my life_____I am supposed to make decisions of my own. 14.Who is the man have eaten up my cake.A.who B.whom C.that D.which 为什么不选who呢..这里修饰的是名词代替主语 25.Is you want to say?A.that all B.all that C.as D.all what 请问as不能用吗..all不是放在that前面吗...15.The bo 定语从句定语从句!高中英语Read such books_____you can easily understand.A asB thatC whichD so 1.the revilutionary fighter would rather die with his head high than __________with his knees bent A.to live B.living C.live D.lived 2.It is wise ___________the case that way A.of him to settle B.foe him to settle C.of his settling D.that he settle 3 关于高中英语定语从句定语从句对于定语从句有几个疑问.都是 介词加引导词里的①介词都要提前吗?②什么样的介词能提前呢?为什么没见过about提前呢?③怎样选择引导词前的介词呢?是根据 初2的物理复习题谁给我个最好还有测试卷 有没有七年级上册英语语法复习提纲? 七年级上册英语语法 1.People cannot close their eyes to the facts_____A.no longer B.which is needed C.any longer D.not longer2.Excuse me,if your call is not too urgent,do you mind___mine first?A I make B.if i make C.me to make D.that i make3.It is not always possible to 怎么才能知道自己的慧根? 梦幻慧根是什么意思 什么是慧根?怎么测试慧根 "慧根"是什么意思? 英语翻译John Snow was a famous doctor in London-so expert,indeed,that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.This was the deadly disease of its 英语翻译John Snow was a famous doctor in London-so expert,indeed,that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.This was the deadly disease of its 只能在佛学中运用吗?能不能形容一个人聪明、一点即懂. 怎见一个人的慧根慧根即悟性如何断定? 一道物理计算题,关于功率的,顺便告诉我下阻力是怎么求出来的.1.一辆载重卡车连同货物一起的总质量m=4.5×10³kg,在F=4.0×10³N的牵引力作用下在平直公路上做匀速直线运动,1min内行驶了90 求教一道计算电功率的物理题目!很难!将一个用电器接到电压不变的电源上时,它消耗的电功率为P,若用较长的导线把这个用电器接到同一个电源上,它消耗的电功率为P".则此时的导线上消耗的 如图,求消耗功率的过程 有关敢于放弃而获得成功的名人故事. 关于名人成功的故事(短一点的 两篇) 谢谢 求名人简单的成功经历.如朱元璋、拿破仑等人,因为是需要关于“拼搏”的作文题材,所以最好是有关拼搏后成就伟大事业的经历.比如,朱元璋从一个乞丐,到 得以建朝称帝.不要乱复制一通,简 第三题填什么(英语 空着的填什么? 为什么这题不选A? 这个空怎么填 新目标初二英语练习题文章It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.My sister and I tried paraglaiding .I felt like I was a bird.It was so exciting .For lunch,we had something very special -Mala 此题为什么不选A? 第五题为什么不选A 这些英语空怎么填we can see lots of plays in the t____ what are you going to do after you g____ from schoolshe's just g____ from the school of cookerythe dog was a____ by the smell of meat