
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:22:17
Tom needs some help 什么 his modle planes Can you help him 什么itA to ,to make B with ,to make C to ,make D with making It is a good habit to sleep early and get up early. getting up early is a very good habit.get up 是起床的意思,为什么这就话就变成getting up? my borther is too young to wash---or get-----.a.himself;dress b.him;dressing c.himself;dressedd.him;dress _____(dress)in black,the young fellow looks cool.是dressed还是dressing还是别的?我选了dressing.穿衣服不是主动地么= =可是我同学说是dressed little Tom is too young to -----clothes himself A.have on B.dress C.wear D.put on baby one more time的歌词 it is good to us to go to bed early怎么改 here are与 here is用法上有何区别,究竟是“这里是”还是“这里有”的意思? Here is ,Here are的用法,_____ some hay and some corn.A.is B.are 选哪个? here的用法当here位于句首时,主语如果为代词用( )倒装结构,即谓语在主语之后;主语如果为名词,用( ) 倒装结构,即谓语在主语之前. same here的用法如果说"I work in a bank".对方也是在银行上班,能不能回答:same here.第二句have a nice day!对方可不可以回答:same here. baby one more time是什么意思 Amy isn't good at maths.She needs __ her maths.A.help with B.to help with C.help D.to help It is good to get up early 英语作文 ______ Yancheng today is more beautiful now. 请问前面加the么? __Zhejiang today is more beautiful now.a.the b.\__Zhejiang today is more beautiful now.a.the b.\不是说省名前不可以加the,为什么答案是B? people were perhaps more honest a long time ago when life was very different from___it is todayA.that B.that what C.which D.what选哪个,为什么?急 In a few ____(年) time,Ningbo will be more beautiful. _____beijing today is more beautiful than it was .北京前面还用不用加the?是否是专有名词就一直不用加 还是因为是今天的北京就应该加the 来特指 和以前的相区别? 关于我的心事为题的作文急,现在就好急的,≥ ◇ ≤ )恩初三水平的 here is 和 there is 有什么区别 help her with some 此句中的with为什么不改成out?help her with some 此句中的with为什么不改成out? Is there a passport here?最后为什么要加here?如题,There是那里有的意思,而 here 是这里的意思,这个好像很矛盾的样子. there is no park here.同义句 英语翻译 英语翻译楚雨荨 云海 上官 蒋媛 叶烁 端木 云朵 就这几个把 有没有霸气一点的名字女的,英文, there is a ____ near hereA.children's hospital B.hospital of children请给出做出选择的解释 别只给出答案字母 谢谢 鞠躬! 我的心事 作文 700字 关于生活小事的 baby bay one more time.的中文歌词 Do That To Me One More Time的中文歌词`我要的是原唱英文版本那首``Captain and Tennille唱的