
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:18:11
动词时态填空Dr Mitchell 1.[sit] in his chair after a hard day's work when the doorbell 2.[ring].When he 3.[open] the door ,he 4.[see] a small girl standing outside in the cold weatherThe girl 5.[ask] the doctor to go to her house.At first ,the 列宁究竟有没有指定斯大林为继承人?还是从头到尾都是斯大林设置的政治骗局? 刘姥姥为何要进大观园 刘姥姥为什么要进大观园 带有心的成语心放前的有几个啊,回答. 有哪些带有心的成语?三心二意 时态填空1.she is__(write)a letter to her friend now.2.the singer____(sing)three songs on tv once a month3.my mother____(arrive)here to see me next week4.the old man_____(wait)for the bus a minute ago5.so far,i___(make)quite a few friends here6.wh 填空,时态也要1.He ________________________ (利用) the season by selling out all the stock.2、.________________ (鉴于,考虑到)the heavy demand for this line,we advise you to order at once.3、we learnt that you were very interested in c The mid—term examination ___(come) .All the students ___(go) over their lessons these days. 列宁的接班人是谁 não esqueça deste trabalho!谁帮忙翻译一下,应该是葡萄牙语.感谢 心急;死亡证明我父亲于1982过世,以前工作单位又没有了,现在我母亲要去做遗产公证要我父的死亡证明,这个证明在哪开啊? “不动笔墨不读书”的意思是什么?它说明了什么? 关于桥的成语,30个,急用. 语法.为什么succeeding要加ing?than后面不是可以加动词原形吗?There is nothing more exhausting than not succeeding——being blocked,not moving ahead.为什么后面的being和moving都要加ing?是不是平行结构的要求? ing让我苦恼 语法除了动词变名词、介词后和进行时这三种情况何时还加ing?I love to read all kinds of books,those concerning thoughts of great writers .concerning是? 有心的成语 带有心的四字成语 神采奕奕的近义词和反义词各是什么 圆与圆的交点怎么求?( 就是普通的圆,不是椭圆)(x-2)^2+y^2=4和x^2+(y+2)^2=4 关于过两个椭圆交点的圆的问题.已知两个椭圆X^2/9+Y^2/4=1与X^2/4+Y^2/9=1,求过它们交点的圆.答案上是直接将两个椭圆方程相加,请问这样做的原因是什么?求证明过程. Passing through the desert,___A.we came out into the Salt Lake ValleyB.there lay ahead of us the Salt Lake Vally为何不能选 i would cross the draw yourself 翻译一下draw yourself的意思 共赢为话题的作文 疲惫不堪的反义词要百分之百正确 疲惫不堪的 反义词 疲惫不堪的反义词是什么 请问,购买支票等在银行购买的票据应记财务费用还是管理费用啊?什么样的记为财务费用 忄意拼音怎么拼 neither am I 离开我记得我 GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN怎么样