
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:57:10
来到上面一个合,下面一个羽读什么?不高兴查字典了,顺便把 动的意思也告诉我, don't forget to close doors and Windows;don't forget to close doors or Windows;为什么是and don't 开头的不是否定句吗? 英语纠错,语法,单词,词组要不要分开来记? 在线等英语语法纠错(单词 语法)Here it comes; some people may think that the pet dogs can make up a big business market if we take some good measures to rule it.However I think we need to realize the serious situation.On account to pet 社会科学中的有机体的含义是什么?比如在社会学中? 英语广播词纠错这是我们第一次英语广播的词,写得很哈比,希望高人们能给改一下或润色一下,Merry Christmas my audience,this is school English broadcasting.as you can find,here comes the new four-ABCD.as the new members don,t,to,close,windows,forget,leave,when,the,合并句子 Don't forget ______ the windows when you leave the room.A.close B.to close C.to closing 赶紧说下,公共社会学这书怎么样, 社会学和哲学哪个更简单想考研,不求工作前景,想知道这两个冷门的那个更简单? 英语语法纠错yeah!帮我看看下文有什么错误哈now i already gonna make rap.for this things that I never drop.I knew I'm good at this ,so I won't give it up.niggas do it in america,but I'mma do it in china.this game need me shorties knews 英语 语法 纠错I'm going to take this book for my brother.I'm going to give this book to my brother.这两句有错吗? 我知道第二句应该是对的,第一个不知道可不可以这样说.表达的意思是否是一样的?谢谢 英语语法纠错~1.It is reported that more and more Olympic champions entering university before Olympic.2.It is unfair for other student3.My reason are as follows.4.My reason is simple,but most people also hold this idea.5.More and more champions 求英语语法纠错(在线等).I’m afraid that I will have to cancel our appointment in Friday,as something has come up.Just between you and I,prices will be higher on next year’s models due to a projected increase in the price of materials 写出下列法语单词的音标salle mère épée je leurface soeur peu lit ruelire mur cour eau colpan faim son vin temp哎,后天考试用的, 解释道德经的主旨和道理[急]解释道德经的主旨和真理,我实在是看不懂,希望有学之士指教指教,对了,别发一些没有用处的回答,还有别发古今对译,我是想要明白它的道理,有哪位人士学问高点 初一伴你学p133急 bbb是什么 BBB是什么意思啊?I would hate to turn your company into the BBB,里面的BBB是不是什么部门的意思啊?比如说投诉什么的,请各位大师帮帮忙啊!谢谢 多项式16x……2+1加上一个单项式后,使它成为一个二项式的完全平方式.请你写出所加的单项式(至少写出三个单项式)16x……2意为十六X的平方 BBB怎么样 BBB+和A-是代表什么刚看了宝钢集团的发展史,提到了BBB+何A-这两个 不太了解代表什么.大概是代表信誉吧. 为什么是BBB 19.They shut all the windows and doors of the classroom to _______ cold.A .keep off b.keep in c.keep out d,keep away When you leave room,you should shut its door and window,for open doors and windows re an easy__orburglarsA. target B.goal C. aim D.invitation 初三了 想学数学但是不会我初三数学100分满才能得40分左右 做题不会 上课听不懂 即使听了做题依然不会 已知,在平行四边形ABCD中,∠ABC的平分线交CD于E,∠ADC的平分线交AB于点F求证:FB=DE How much did you pay for that soccer ball?(改为同义句)How much did you ____ ____that soccer ball? 英语翻译1.How much did you pay for that car 2.China has lately been exporting to Africa large numbers of machines.3.It so happened that he had no money with him at the moment.4.She was a brilliant sportswoman but never fulfilled her early promise 教会当年为什么要烧死布鲁诺?仅仅只是因为坚持日心说? 布鲁诺为了真理付出了哪些 科学的殉道士 布鲁诺为了坚持真理付出了哪些代价?