
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:19:23
the popular sports is football and in every class there _____(be) a lot of football fans..1.the popular sports is football and in every class there _____(be) a lot of football fans.2.when there is a match ,_____of us go to watch it and cheer(欢呼) The cartoon film makes us( ) A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughing D.laughs 急 There is something wrong in your head 这句的翻译是什么,好评哦! There Is Something Wrong With Head! 请问这玩意儿是啥? 她认识到那样学英语不容易的翻译.she fungs_hard__English. 看看这玩意儿是啥谁知道这是什么 有什么习性啥的吗 help to make sick people 是否等于make sick people better better ,help,make,resolutions,may,to,person,a,you 组成一句话 除 go straight along外还有go straight..的吗?还有ahead,还有什么?各自怎么用?用法都一样吗?麻烦举一两个例子让我了解一下(这个最重要)可加分,谢~急! It is a funny time to play the piano.改为感叹句 I feel _______ better than yesterday. A. more.I feel _______ better than yesterday. A. more. B. very. C. the. D. far. 求解释 谁帮看看这是什么玩意儿搜无线上网卡出来的第一个推广链接里的 ,怎么那么便宜就是想买无线上网的那个卡托,怎么在淘宝上搜索 结果从150到上千元层次差距这么大呢?用什么样的合适 到电 But laughing does more than just make you feel better.请分析一下这个句子,make的主语是什么?more than后面什么时候可以跟动词原形? I___ (feel) much better after I ____ (take) the medicine.答案是felt,had taken 第一个空似乎还明白一点,第二个空,我有些纠结,为什么不是用一般过去式呢?http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/119537532.html我看过这个答案, I feel better after the medicine w______. 她一直努力学好英文 She ____ ____ ____ ____ English well. Walk straight ______.At the end of the road,you can find it. Walk straight on to the end of the street.(改为同义句) Walk straight on___ you ____ to the end of the street (    )it is. 感叹句 It is wonderful(改成感叹句) 谁知道这是啥玩意儿此人用的这个东西谁能知道这个人用的是什么牌子的?效果怎么样?eBay上能买到不能? 这个是啥玩意儿?在金山卫士悬浮窗里的这个是啥啊 带angel的女生英文网名!正规的 .不要非主流!火星文!也可是L开头的!(清注明读音和中文意思)!谢 关于天使的英文网名, 起一个 英文网名 要带my angel的 非主流英语网名angleangle如何写成非主流英语 带有天使或恶魔(撒旦)、或他们英文的情侣网名、头像、个性签名、3Q啊 累的时候要注意休息.英语怎么说 either you or one of your students_________to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.我知道答案是is,可是为什么,如果用has 可以吗 这个盒子比那个大的英语 Either you or one of your students___ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.A ARE B is c have d be.不是有一个one of ...are么?为什么还选B?