
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:32:22
转述用英语怎么说, my daugrter,Jane,never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland.dream 为什么要加ed 个人感觉never后面不都是原型么·· 在英语中,如果一个人当时说的话中用了过去完成时,那么当我转述他的话时,要用什么时态? 英语转述问题原句:But are we being good caretakers by holding a dolphin or a sea lion in a tank?Yes,if two conditions are met:that they‘re given the best treatment possible,and,no less important,that they’re displayed in a way that educa 英语怎么改转述句?例如 What color do we want?What style do we like?改为He asks …… 求方法~ 英语间接转述句"Did the man in the shop understand him at last?"She said改为间接转述句.My father told to me ,"I have worker here"He asked Tom ,"Did you finish your homework"He thought ,"I will help LiMing." I Wanna Go这个英文翻译成中文是什么意思 替罪羊,( )蛙,铁公鸡,( )马? 翻译i want to go somewhere 数据库中,between…and相当于数学中的开区间还是闭区间? sql between and informix数据库 和其他的一样么?select *FROM PrpCitem_Car t2where T2.PurchasePrice between 15 and 20between 15 and 20是 做开右闭(15 英语翻译"distinguish between flat file databse and relational database" between后的人称代词先用主格 and 后面用宾格, i bought a lot of fish 对a lot of fish提问 watch a lot of TV 为什么总是感觉a lot of 用在这里别扭 Look,those___(fish)hanve caught a lot of fish People in Japan eat a lot of fish.We eat a lot of fish ,too.People in Japan eat a lot of fish ,< > < > < > .改为同义句~翻译. between and的用法 between A,B,C and D 这种用法可以吗 请问这是什么植物?长在水中的. 长于水中的可食植物有哪些三个 英英告诉我,他这次英语考得很好,谢谢我的帮助.(改为引述句) 英语转述句you must say to her ,"I depend on you and him.”you must tell her that( )depend on ( ) and ( ). 李明告诉我,他这次英语考得很好,谢谢我的帮助.改为直接陈述句 oracle BETWEEN and 包含边界值吗?=B 还是 B 高考用碳素笔涂卡了 有机会能给我分吗 写出下列成语意思相近的成语:胡言乱语--多此一举--高朋满座--形影不离--开门见山--要言不烦-- 像胡言乱语这样的成语有哪些 有反义词因素的成语如狼吞虎咽、胡言乱语还有什马那? 胡言乱语意思相近的成语快HELP 英文say said tell分别是什么情况下说?比如我说 我们一起来说彩票把. 英语said与say都中"说"的意思,怎么区分与应用?