
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:22:56
the adventure of telemachus这本书的中文 高中哪篇课文选自 汉书?如题 The Olympic adventure 初中学的哪些课文 英语在线问答Any man in his position _____like that.A.have done B.would have done C.would be done D.would be doing 英语在线回答用 1`fiy 2`minute 3`with 4`ago 5`small 6` hundred 7`of 8` difference 9`from这些词的适当形式天填短文Airpianes are the newest kind of transportation .From early times ,peopie tried to _____through the sky like birds .Abou I was so tired last night that I went to bed early ___talking a bath . 写出单词意思:1 teacher teach 2 driver drive 3 clean cleaner 4 worker work在两天之内必须出来, famer police警察docter医生worker工人nurse护士teacher老师cook厨师driver司机 求有这几个职业的英文歌要简单点的歌 farmer cleaner teacher driver哪个不同 please fix the following problems:Please select4-12 letters for your username是什么意思 please send us this error report[130KB]to help fix the problem and improve this software.what does this report contain.provide additional info about the problem [recommended].By pressing the ''send report'' button,I confirm that I am familiar with th Please correct the following error(s): fix the post in the ground ,please 求翻译! 如题Where are the bus stop?这个句子有错吗?Where are the bus stops?stop要加s,我忘写了,老师打我错,为什么? the night before 与 last night下面句子是高中必修4第一单元第一段,请问最后一句话中为什么用the night before,为什么不用last night?印象中是间接引语用the night before,直接引语才用last night啊.It is 5:45 am 求:有没有和王力宏last night歌曲类似的英文歌啊?有没有和王力宏last night歌曲类似的英文歌啊?我想要一些类似的,好听的歌曲.谢谢大哥大姐们了! the night before 与last night区别就是不明白the night before(老师说是什么前一天晚上),last night 又是昨晚握,那什么区别吖? the night before 的before是针对哪一天的before吖?那是今天的before即昨晚拉 please translate to English the following:"恩是得" Please translate the following sentence into English~“根本”、“基本”是从层次上来讲的. please help me translate the following setence into english! 麻烦那位高人给翻译 Please help me translate the following English.Thank you very much!People often throw things around.They throw paper in the streets.They throw cans and bottes in parks.But many of the things can be ufed again.we mustn't throw them away.Mike is pickin 晏子使楚,人琴俱亡,小石潭记,记承天寺夜游课文下面的注解啊.是2010版的 Where is the bus stop?______ and take the first turning on the right. 英语在线朗读 怎么把朗读的给录下来 Where is the bus stop?(改为同义句) where is the bus stop?同义句 The Last Book?At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT.(麻省理工大学),researchers are working on a project they call "the last book."This may sound bad to book lovers.After all,MIT devotes itself mainly to computers.Looking at a comput 英语在线等~在不同的国家回答将是不同的.翻译成汉语.The ▁▁ would be ▁▁ in ▁▁ ▁▁ . work teach drive run swim read paint sing dance write ride play 这些词都可以加er或双写+er.请你再举 drive复数是不是driver hunt的名词形式(……的人)例如 paint_painter