
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:05:11
英语翻译委托人:XXX,男,196X年出生,现住XXXXXX,护照号码XXXXXX.受托人:XXX、XXX,系广东XX律师事务所律师.现委托广东XX律师事务所XXX、XXX律师在本人与X市人民政府,XXX、XXX的撤销台林证字(2012) 我们公司经过内部讨论后,我们建议仍然按照上一封授权书执行. 作文,《我的理想》 ,是一名警察,600字左右,不需太好, 请将我的T恤衫递给我.翻译成英文. 用适当的介词或副词填空She can do better____ math than me 1.we can do it better than-----Ahim and herB.he and herChis and hersD.he and she2.You trousers are too long while his----too shortAis Bare C/Dbe3.You can take ---of the buses over thereA.either Ball Cboth Deach4.As they were asleep,----of them heard she can speak english better than anyone else为什么此时的better在名词后面,而more much之类都在名词前面啊 she does better in it not only thanShe does better in it not only than ______ in her own class but also than ______ in mine .A.any other student ; any student B.anybody ; anybody else Anybody ; anybody D.the other ; others she can dance better than anyone else in our class.(保持愿意)_____ ______ can dance so well as she in our class. 用英文写的我的梦想的文章约100个单词拜托大哥大姐 小学英语《我的梦》作文 She is better than I__(一个介词)_____ swimming把QQ说下,我再问几个 She is ( ) better than ( )( )(She is ( ) better than ( )( )( ) asking questions.她比其他记者擅长提问得多. she is much better than before,里面的为什么要加IS 我想当一名警察作文 怎样实现当警察的理想作文 关于当警察的理想的作文? 为什么当警察论文 在状语从句中,应该怎样用that ,what ,where ,which ,who,when what .that.where.which.when.who.whom.的具体用法和区别 which,in which,where,that作引导词的区别最好有例子 先谢过...Where is the hotel in which you stayed?用where 代替 in which可以么?如果不可以,把从句改成什么就可以了? 英语从句中什么时候用what/where来连接,什么时候用that/which 英文授权书只有一句话,不知道如何翻译,哪位大虾不吝赐教,“为期一年,期满可顺延”. She's better at learning English than her sister.(改写句子,句意不变)Sher __________ __________ __________ English than her sister. She is__________ than her younger sister.A.less richer B.not more rich C.less rich D.not rich sister taller is she sister her than这个句子怎么排列?这个句子我也是感觉不对,但老师又没说这个句子错了,我核实了的,也没打错字。 My sister is better at study than I.She is clever(改为同义句)My sister is ___ intellectual ___ me at study. “我的心只属于你”用英语该怎么翻译? 伤他心我是万万不能 英文怎么翻译 she likes dancing better than singing.(同意句) 英语 定语从句 that ,where ,which 的区别例如:(1)I love places ____ the people are really fridendyA.that B.which C.where D.who(2)This is the place ____ I have ever visitedA.there B.whom C.he D.which(3).This is the house ____ I want to buyA She liked singing better than dancing .的同义句改写