
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:27:46
My brother's ill in hospital—I'm sorry to hear this.急用 The old man was ill in ( ) hospital.A.a B.an C.the D./ 说谎的检讨书怎么写200字左右 撒谎的检讨书怎么写就是把一种液体洒到了裤子上,被家长看见,写一个检讨书.没事,没伤到皮肤. 2008年12月英语四级多少分及格 08年12月大学英语四级及格线是多少我422,是不是不及格了? 2008年12月英语四级及格线 2008年12月英语四级多少才及格我考425及格了吗 My uncle went to ShangHai by plane的同义句是什么? 学英语口语去哪里在北京城区的学习,价格便宜点儿的 七大洲会消 失 会是大洋洲吗?大洋洲会变成大洲洋吗?同时太平洋会变成太平洲吗?神秘的史前文明 遗 迹 残 骸 会浮出水面吗? 含有动词好词好句 Who goes to the park?和When to go to the park?为什么Who 和When同样是疑问词,一个后面是疑问词+动词不定式,一个后面却加三单?这是为什么啊!求各位大师帮帮忙!谢谢! 上海学英语口语最好是去哪里? use fire to cook food 的近义句 use fire____ ____food There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.中有什么知识点要初一的,急用! 为什么有soccer和football之分为什么呀soccerfootball In winter,people often____(make) a fire _______(keep) warm and _____(cook)food on before. 撒谎的检讨书,深刻一点 500字以上 orange,and,black,it an,is,quilt怎么连词词句 This is the plane on which he went to Shanghai on business.怎么用on which用where 可以吗 We both went to Shanghai on business .这句话中的on business如何翻译 My teacher went to Shanghai on ______(business)Businesses are o_______that make money by selling goods or services.说明原因! On____(到达)in shanghai,he went to call on his teacher. He (has gone to) Shanghai on business(has gone to)可以换成has been in吗 cook chinese cook+italian++food是什么意思 银河系里有几大行星?8还是9 ?现在,不是以前太简单了吧? Ben jumps higher than me.(改为同义句) He does not write as more carefully as his friend.(修改病句)My cousins resds better than all of them.(修改病句) 现在银河系中有几大行星? 银河系有几大行星 银河系有几大行星组成