
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:49:34
打雷了,好可怕. 急需一片介绍深圳的英语文章!(60个单词左右) 红色那是什么啊.好可怕.怎么办呀 英语中 比较级,最高级的构成是什么? 判断以下句子是不是宾语从句1、He told the police the murderer had a very wide mouths.2、We checked yhe area where the victim was shot.3、Could you tell me whether they will travel to Beijing next month? Could you help me with my study Sure Let"s learn from A.ourselves B.others c.yourselfD eath other "无论我在哪里,都只距离你一个转身的距离"这句话有什么故事吗? how can i improve my eq to help me with my study 范文请在今天回答,急用!要英文范文, 只需要一个转身的距离是什么意思 无论我在那里,只给你一个转身的距离的意思是什么求:无论我在那里,只给你一个转身的距离,想知道它的意思 who can help me with my study? He will leave the company if all his work _____ (do)如题...适当形式填空 After leaving the college, she will work in a company?题中 after leaving the college 作为句子的什么成分,为什么leave 要用分词~急需答案 求一个英文名字,女的,后面是dy的.比如cindy candy wendy 之类的 这三个就不要了哦 求好听的女生英文名,终生要用的.(最好是dy结尾或cky结尾)谢啦! 怎么用Dy组成英文名字?我想要一个英文名,我姓邓,名字简称就是Dy,我觉得太简单了,希望高手能帮个忙. i can't decide which to buy.为什么用to buy?buying可以吗 i couldn'd decide___ a.what to buy b.which oen to buy c.to buy which one d.which one should i buy I can't decide to buy which one, He has to help his father this afternoon.(对划线部分提问)划线部分是this afternoon. i will leave here 和 i will be leaving here的区别什么是啊 i am leaving这句话对吗leave是名词还是什么啊那am是怎么回事呢 I am ___(leave)for Shanghai.为什么是leaving? will leave和are leaving有什么区别 三眼一板怎么造句?最少20个一个就好 并造句 三眼一板的意恩,并造句 请问有没有女生的英文名 结尾是“dy”的“长一点的”不要candy和Andy好听的 造句:忍俊不禁,融融泄泄,左顾右盼,三眼一板,空空如也,蹑手蹑脚,不胜其烦,络绎不绝,无可言喻,悠哉游哉,束手无策,无济于事,引经据典,怒不可遏~ 含有dy结尾的女孩英文名如题 I don't know which sweater _____(choose) i don't know which one to choose.请造几个类似which ...to 的句子