
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:47:26
怎么做@_@要讲解please please求解释 hardly是什么词性? surprised能做定语吗?是an surprised look还是an surprising look?I can imagine the 41 look on my father’s face when he read the letter,which was really a shock(震惊)to himA.surprised B.surprising注意是look而不是book,别看错哦. greeting each 1司马迁《屈原列传》中:“能无怨乎?”前两句?2苏洵《六国论》中:悲夫!有如此之势,而为(?),日削本人在做关于名句名篇的默写练习、由于题量太大、好多都遗忘了、请大家帮忙想下、 nice to chat with you again!是什么意思啊? 聊天后老外会说nice meeting u,nice chatting with u.怎样的回答才是最地道的呢?我比较喜欢这样简短的回答 不过有的说U Too 有的说Me Too 到底是。 it was a _____room,with beautiful wall paper,waxed floor and nice furniture.pleasedpleasant pleasing peasant为什么是B而不是A呢 需要做某事有request to do,require to do 么? require加doing还是to do require to do 还是 require doing我知道,主语是sth时,require doing 等于 require to be done.我想问的是:当主语是人时,又没有被动含义时,require的用法是否像need一样,是 sb require to do sth比如“我需要休息” 用please,pleasant,pleased,pleasure填空谁能帮我填下下面的空,并且帮忙把每句翻译一下,然后再说明一下为什么填这个词,用的语法是什么?1.It ia a( )way to make cities beautiful.2.Our teacher was very( )with us.3.It' 如何区分强调句(IT BE THAT )和定语重句? 定语重句和同位语重句怎么区别 each other 是介词词组吗 做宾语 writer to each other because of the increased demand of oil from China and India,the prices of oil,iron,and other important resources have _____doubled since the early 1990s.填一个词,填什么好? each other 是什么短语?怎么用?基础不好悲剧? 需求《大学英语语法》徐广联主编的电子书,格式最好pdf,衷心感谢,您若帮我,我定有回报!我的邮箱dignity100@126.com demand of 和 demand for 区别在哪? 关于经济的price elasticity of demand图像我搞不懂的是,如果一张demand的图啊是,我书上说1根demand的曲线(当然是向下的,斜率负的)上部分E大于1,中间E=1,下部分E小于1,也就是说一根线不同的地方不 i believe the everything that u do 这句话对的错的?i believe the everything that u do这句话很奇怪!到底对的错的? 填合适的词语,一( )风景,一()花园,一声声() 1.He had demanded money from/of her.2.They failed to provide the information demanded from/of them 3.It is a discipline we must demand from/of ourself.demand of 还是demand from?两者有什么工作? 填上合适的词语( )风景 die of&die from怎么区分?(举例说明) 请问made of和made from有什么区别?请举例说明. 古代的鲜卑族,氐族,羌族,匈奴,羯族,现在各指哪个族?鲜卑有白部鲜卑,白面黄须,是白种人? word如何实现条件复制,如:把一篇文章中所有红色的字复制过来 1下列语句正确的是( )A由两条射线所组成的图形叫做角 B 在∠BAC的边AB延长线上取一点DC∠CAB就是∠BAC D对一个角的表示没有要求,可任意书写2射线绕它上面一点旋转形成的图形叫做角( ) 已知x的平方-1分之4=(x-1分之A)+(x+1分之B)是恒等式,则A=——,B=——. 上联是黛玉多愁善感悲葬花,求写宝钗下联、