
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:38:51
解释一下 肯定是个简单的公式而已 洛贝电饭煲为什么通上电按下去总是在保温状态 with the grown of i可以翻译吗 The teacher is trying to apply the theory___his teaching A.for B.to C.with D.at The teacher is talking ( ) the animals in the zoo.A.to B.about C.with D.of 通风阻力测算3-6 某矿简化后的通风系统如题图3-2所示,已知R1-2=0.039Ns2/m8, R2-3=1.177Ns2/m8, R2-4=1.079Ns2/m8,Q2-3=35 ,Q2-4=25 ,试求矿井的总阻力、总风阻和总等积孔各为多少?(h总=1262.5Pa,R总=0.351 Ns2/m8 ,A 唇亡齿寒给我们的启示 “唇亡齿寒”的故事给了你怎样的启示? I must will miss you. thirty percent of them cited the mobile phone as the most disliked yet essential invention这句话as是做什么用的? Draft portfolio 怎么翻译啊 英语翻译偏政策方面的用词 term draft用英语怎么翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译不是驮马或曳马Evaluation of FOXC2 as a candidate gene for chronic progressive lymphedema in draft horses中评价FOCX2基因作为慢性进行性淋巴水肿的候选基因应该不是这个性病艾滋病 我想取个英文名我姓孟是个男孩 How do you read them in English?1.19832.20053.1991.34.1846.9.21就是年月日,在口语中的表达写出来 高手麻烦解释下Cashiers order和Demand draftCashiers order(还是Cashier's order?):银行本票,Demand draft:外币汇票,这样的翻译或说叫法对不对呢?更想知道,两者在真实国际交易中是怎么用的?用起来有什么区 make a draft是什么意思?draft还有什么其他意思?谢谢各位 一人在南极点上,向左前方走了一步,问她现在的方向.急用,会的一定要回答啊. 英语翻译南丹县金山铟锗冶金化工有限公司我所在公司的名称,该如何翻译,请专家大侠指教, good are with children they very 排序 What a surprising news it is!改错 With things as they are very good 1.I'm lucky.My clothes_____ (wash) by my mum2.Would you please come a little _____(early)next time? my mum is (making lunch for us).对括号内容提问 这个图上的人叫啥 英语翻译The Egyptian army deployed tanks outside the presidential palace in Cairo on Thursday,after overnight clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Morsi claimed lives.after overnight clashes between supporters and oppone 英语翻译This is AP news minute.Eight suspects arrested in connection to the brutal torture of two teenage boys and a man in an anti-gay attack in the Bronx are facing charges.Police are still looking for a ninth suspect.Police said the members of 一个人站在北极点上,向右前方跨,则他前进的方向是( )A.东北方 B.南方 C.西南 D.东南方 慢速voa中的which one是什么的 I'm willing to share weal and woe with you!帮我翻译这句话吧!